1. Loser 没出息的人,窝囊废 Jenny, dont go out with John, you know, hes such a loser! 詹妮,别跟约翰谈朋友,他这人是个窝囊废。 释义: lose: 失败,失去 loser: 总是失败的人,什么事都做不好的人...
1. Look a gift horse in the mouth 好心当成驴肝肺 Never look a gift horse in the mouth, ok? Take it or leave it. 别对礼物挑三拣四的好不好?要就要,不要就拉倒! 释义:别对人家送的礼物挑三拣四,吹毛...
1. Lip service 口惠,空头许诺 Dont trust him, hes paying your lip service! 别相信他,他只不过是在给你一些空头许诺。 释义:源自17世纪,本是指那些上教堂做礼拜的人,祈祷时只是嘴唇(lips)...
1. Lick ones boots 舔肥,溜须拍马 Rick was appointed president of the Student Body because he licked the head teachers boots. 里克靠拍辅导员的马屁当上了学生会主席。 释义: lick: 舔,吸;boot:靴子 lick on...
1. Let ones hair down 放松,无拘束,坦率,无保留 After work, I always let my hair down and go out to a bar for a drink with my friends. 下班以后我喜欢轻松下来,和朋友一起去酒吧喝酒。 释义:从前西方女...
1. Lefty 左撇子,左撇子的 - Are you a lefty? 你是左撇子吗? - No, Im a righty. 不,我是右撇子。 链接: a left hand: 左撇子 left-handed: 左撇子的 Too much rights for righty but too little for lefty. 要多考虑...
1. Lame duck 行将卸任的官员,跛鸭 As a lame duck President, Mr.Clinton passed the bills in favor of his partners. 克林顿总统在卸任前,通过了许多对他朋友有利的议案。 释义:原意为跛鸭,引申为行将...
1. Lady-killer 帅哥 Hes a real lady-killer. 他是个不折不扣的帅哥。 释义: killer: 杀手 lady killer: 直译是少女杀手,比喻帅哥。 2. Lame 牵强的,站不住脚的 Dont give me any lame excuses next time if you...
1. Know-it-all 万事通,万金油 Grace is always correcting other people for she thinks shes a know-it-all. 格雷斯是在纠正别人,她觉得自己是万事通。 2. Kooky 古怪的,发神经的 That man is really kooky. He had...
1. Kill sb. with kindness 热情过度 Every time I went to the supermarket the salesgirls killed me with kindness and convinced me to buy a lot of things. 每次我去超市,那些推销员都会热情过度地向我推销很多东西。...