1. Pep talk 打气,鼓励的话 The teacher gave me a pep talk when I failed the mid-term exam, wishing me success on the final. 我期中考试不及格,老师给我打气,希望我在期末能考出好成绩。 2. Period! 就说这么...
1. Pee 小便 Oh, sorry, nature calls, I have to pee. 内急,不好意思,我要去小便。 释义:拟声词。据说2000年前的大英帝国穷困落后,人们在地上挖个坑,盖上一块板,又在版中间凿个洞,就成...
1. Pain in the ass/ butt 讨厌,惹人嫌 Andrew told his brother stop being a pain in the ass. 安德鲁叫他的弟弟别讨厌。 释义:直译是屁股里的痛,可能指痔疮,让人很难受,引申为一个人很讨厌,有点...
1. Over the hump 渡过难关 Our company was influenced by deflation deeply, but now we are over the hump. 我们公司深受经济萧条的影响,但现在已经渡过了难关。...
1. Out of whack 坏了,出故障 The front wheel of my bicycle is out of whack and the brake is out of order, too. 我的自行车前轮坏了,刹车也不灵。 链接: out of order:出故障,坏了 whack:击打,谋杀 2.. Ov...
1. Out of ones league 配不上,不在档次 I dare not chase Susan because shes totally out of my league. 我可没勇气去追苏珊,因为我配不上她。 释义: league:联盟,层次 A is out of Bs league:A的层次、地位...
1. Out of line 过分 Youre way out of line. 你实在是太过分了。 释义: line:界限,容忍范围 out of line:越线,指过分、过头。 2. Out of luck 运气不好 Youre out of luck. The last bus left half an hour ago. 你...
1. One-night stand 一夜情 ONe-night stand is catching on in some big cities. 一夜情在一些大城市越来越流行了。 释义:来源于马戏团或歌剧团的巡回演出,一晚表演一站,不停地换地方。 2. Out on a...
1. On the ropes 处境艰难,行将失败 The taxi company has been on the ropes since the gas price went up and up last year. 自从去年油价不断攀升以来,出租车公司的处境愈发艰难。 释义: ropes:拳击台的围绳...
1. On the rag ①月经;②性情乖张,脾气暴烈(极粗俗) Shes moody today and I guess shes on the rag. 她情绪不好,我猜她可能是来了好事。 释义: rag:月经带,卫生巾 on the rag:有两个意思,一...