1. Up a creek (without a paddle)①麻烦了,惨了;②知难而进,逆水行舟 If the check doesnt come today, Ill be up a creek. 如果汇款今天还不到我就惨了。 释义: creck:小河,溪流 paddle:船桨 up a cree...
1. Under the table 幕后交易,暗箱操作 The crime boss paid the police under the table to get away from punishment. 为逃避惩罚,犯罪头目暗地里贿赂警察。 疯狂联想:桌下的交易,见不得阳光。 2. Under t...
1. Tug of war 拔河,拉锯战,两派间的激烈竞争 There is a political tug of war in the White House between those in favor of the proposal and those against it. 一场支持与反对提案的政治拉锯战正在白宫上演。 释...
1. TP ①草纸,厕纸;②封面 I was so embarrassed yesterday, because after I went to the bathroom I found I didnt have any TP with me. 那天我很尴尬,因为我上完厕所后才发现没带厕纸。 释义: TP:厕纸 toile...
1. Top banana 头儿,领导 We all cut loose when the top banana of our office is out on a business trip. 当头儿出差以后,我们在办公室就像脱缰的野马,好不自在。 疯狂联想:一说指香蕉树上最高的那个香...
1. Throw ones weight on/ around 施加影响,仗势欺人 The Senator had to throw his weight around to get the new law passed. 参议员不得不施加影响,好让法案通过。 释义: weight:体重,引申为权势,影响力。...
1. Throw a book at 教训,斥责 After his son failed the test again, the angry father threw a book at him. 当又一次听到儿子考试不及格后,生气的父亲狠狠地教训了他。 释义:直译为把书向某人扔去,引申...
1. Think outside the box 另辟蹊径 To solve this tough problem, were going to have to think outside the box. 要解决这个难题,我们必须另辟蹊径。 释义: box:常规的条条框框,老套路 outside the box:常规的框...
1. Talk trash 说脏话 Talking trash is a very had habit and if you dont get rid of it you cant make any friends. 说脏话是个坏习惯,如果你不改正,你将很难结交到朋友。 释义: trash:垃圾,肮脏之物 talk t...
1. Take it out on 拿......出气,对......撇气 I know you are upset about your failure in the exam, but dont take it out on me. 我知道你为考试不及格烦恼,但别把气出在我身上。 2. Talk back 回嘴,顶嘴 Dont tal...