1. Nose is out of joint 很生气,很失望 Andys nose is out of joint, because we forgot to invite him to the party. 因为我们忘记邀请他参加聚会,安迪的鼻子都快气歪了。 释义: joint: 关节 out of joint: 脱臼...
1. Nobody 小人物,无名小卒 I dont want to be a nobody; I want to be somebody. Nobody likes a nobody. 我不想当小人物,我想当大人物。没人会爱上一个小人物。 释义:例句来自电影《鲨鱼黑帮》sharks...
1. No sweat 不麻烦,没问题 No sweat. Ill have the report done for you in an hour. 没问题,我会在一小时之内为你做出这份报告。 释义:直译是不流汗水,引申为没事、没问题。 2. No wonder 怪不得,...
1. No offense 无意冒犯,恕我直言 John: No offense, Jane, but I really dont like the dress you wear for the party. 约翰:简,恕我直言,你晚会上穿的裙子真难看。 Jane: None taken. Ill go get changed. 简:我不介...
1. No good 很糟,很次 This computer is no good. Every time I use it, the screen blacks out. 这台电脑很糟,每次用的时候都黑屏。 2. No hard feelings 请别见怪,别伤和气 I didnt mean bad when I said that. No hard...
1. Nine-to-fiver 打工仔,工薪阶层 As a nine-to-fiver, how can I afford that fancy fast car? 作为工薪阶层,我怎能买得起那辆跑车! 释义: nine to five: 上午九点上班,下午五点下班,朝九晚五 nine-t...
1. Nerd 书呆子 In college the nerds are not popular with girls. 在大学里书呆子是不受女孩子青睐的。 释义:这个词恐怕在有的字典里查不到。nerd对学习很严肃,把大多数时间都花在学习上,因此...
1. Nature calls 内急,方便 Hold on, nature calls! Ive gotta pee. 等等,我内急,得先去方便一下。 释义:直译是大自然的呼唤,大自然的要求,吃喝拉撒是不可避免的正常生理需求,可谓再自然...
1. My bad! 我的错! Shes not your sister? My bad! Im terrible with names. 她不是你妹妹?我搞错了!我记名不在行。 释义:从语法和词法的角度讲,my bad是一个病句,但老外就是这么用的,没法!...
1. Mrs.Robinson 勾引年轻男人的中年女人 Mrs.Smith is a real Mrs. Robinson because she always hangs out with lady killers. 史密斯夫人总是喜欢和那些年轻帅哥在一起,她真是个Mrs. Robinson啊。 释义:典故出...