1. Mr.Good 老好人,好好先生 Im really tired of Sam playing Mr.Good all the time. 我真的很讨厌山姆总是装扮成一个好好先生。 链接: yes-man: 老好人,好好先生 2. Mr.Right 白马王子,合意郎君 Mr.Rig...
1. Moonlight 兼职,捞外快 To get more money, I have to moonlight at a computer company on weekends. 为了多挣点钱,我周末在一家计算机公司兼职。 释义:直译是月光,引申为披星戴月地工作,趁着月色...
1. Money shot 精华,精彩 The money shot of this movie is when the dinosar was destroyed by a boy in the end! 这部电影最精彩的地方是最后恐龙被一个男孩打败了。 疯狂联想:射向你的全是金钱和财富,能不...
1. Minds eye 想象,想象力,脑海 I can always see my first G.F. clearly in my minds eye even though weve been seperated for 10 years. 尽管我和第一个女友已分别十年有余,但她的形象总是浮现在我的脑海里,清...
1. Meddle in 干涉,搅和 Harold asked his boss to stop meddling in his personal life. 哈罗德要求老板别再干涉他的私生活。 2. Milf 风韵犹存的半老徐娘(贬义) Damn, Mikes step mom is a hot milf! 嘿,迈克的后...
1. Mark time 磨洋工 Hes just marking time. 他只是在挨时间,没在办事。 链接: clock-watcher: 上班不停看表等待下班的人 2. Marvy 棒极了,太好了 You got a new Car? Marvy! 你搞了一辆新车,真不错啊!...
1. Make waves 兴风作浪,制造麻烦 Tom made huge waves in the office when he said the CEO had decided to downsize the company by half, but it turned out to be a rumor. 汤姆对大家说首席执行官决定公司裁员一半,搞得办...
1. Make out 接吻,调情 Once I saw Mike and Betty making out in the woods. 有一次我看到迈克和贝蒂在小树林里激吻。 释义:都是接吻,make out一定与性有关,多半是性前的挑逗或调情,而kiss却有可...
1. Make a killing 大有所获 He made a killing on that deal. I wish I had bought some shares. 那笔生意他大有所获。真希望我当初也入股了。 2. Make my mouth water 让我流口水 The Peking roast duck that restaurant ser...
1. Low-life 下等人,贱人,落魄潦倒的人 John is such a low-life that he sleeps on the park bench and drinks booze all day. 约翰真是落魄潦倒,他睡在公园长凳上,而且整天喝酒。 2. Lucky dog 幸运的人 Who...