1. Break a leg 祝(演出等)成功 I know you are going to be great in the play tonight. Break a leg! 我知道你今天晚上的演出会很成功。祝你顺利! 释义:直译是摔断腿。这是美国的一个迷信,祝某人演...
1. Boozehound 酒鬼 John is such a boozehound that he can really drink like a fish. 约翰是个不折不扣的酒鬼,他喝起酒来真是海量。 释义: booze: 酒;hound: 猎狗 boozehound: 酒鬼看到酒就像猎狗见到猎物。...
1. Bomb 惨败,大败 The new 007 film is the biggest bomb of the season. 新拍的007电影是这一季度最烂的片子。 释义:本义为炸弹,但用于电影和音乐方面,bomb的意思是不成功,不受欢迎,卖座率很...
1. Blow the lid off 揭发(丑闻) That newspaper story blew the lid off the Senators illegal business deals. 报纸的报道揭发了参议员的非法勾当。 释义: lid: 盖子 blow the lid off: 揭盖子 2. B.O. 体臭,体味...
1. Blah-blah-blah 说个不停 All she does is gu blah-blah-blah all night. 她整夜说个不停。 2. Blow it 搞砸了,弄坏了 I blew it when I came out to give a public speech last night. 昨晚当中演讲时,我搞砸了。...
1. Bite the hand who feeds you 恩将仇报,忘恩负义 You are biting the hand who feeds you by saying this - anyway,Im your boss. 你这样说是恩将仇报不管怎么说我也是你老板。 释义: bite: 咬;feed: 喂,饲(养...
1. Bimbo 漂亮又愚蠢的女人 Your girlfriend is such a bimba. Can she do anything besides chew gum? 你女朋友真是个愚蠢的靓女,除了嚼口香糖,她还会做什么呢? 链接: 愚蠢的帅哥呢? mimbo: [mimb?u][...
1. Big deal 重要的事 Its no big deal. I dont mind helping you out. 这没什么大不了的,我不介意帮助你摆脱困境。 链接: No biggie! 没什么大不了的! 2. Big picture (事情的)主要部分,重点 Concent...
1. Behind bars 坐牢 Charlies behind bars for robbing a bank. 查理因为抢银行被关进了监狱。 释义: bar: 铁栏杆 behind bars: 被关在铁栏杆后面 2. Bell the cat 为众人利益承担风险 He is such a good boss that...
1. Beefy 健壮的,剽悍的 After years of gym work, Sam is a beefy man now. 经过几年的数据,山姆成了个健壮的男子汉。 释义:当然你可以把beefy理解为牛肉的,但在口语中,要是你说某人beefy,那就...