
  • [辛普森一家] 《辛普森一家》电影台词(34) 日期:2017-07-03 12:11:58 点击:127 好评:0

    [04:37.46]Americans wiII never embrace soccer? 美国永远不会痴迷足球? [04:42.46]More than two shakes and its pIaying with yourseIf? 打了我这么多下,你们在自娱自乐吗? [04:46.98]Hey, what are you doing? 你们要干什...

  • [辛普森一家] 《辛普森一家》电影台词(33) 日期:2017-07-03 12:11:14 点击:67 好评:0

    [02:40.50]-You hang up first, -No, you hang up first, - 你先挂电话 - 不,你先 [02:45.34]Okay, 好吧 [02:45.50]She hung up on me! 她居然挂我电话! [02:47.70]But were fugitives 2 , We should just lay low till we get to Seattl...

  • [辛普森一家] 《辛普森一家》电影台词(32) 日期:2017-07-03 12:10:50 点击:135 好评:0

    [00:18.26]Because? 是因为? [00:21.26]Well, thats the thing, 这就是问题所在 [00:21.78]I just don t know how to finish that sentence anymore, 我不知道该怎么把话说完 [00:26.98]So Im leaving with the kids to help Springfie...

  • [辛普森一家] 《辛普森一家》电影台词(31) 日期:2017-07-03 12:10:00 点击:154 好评:0

    [03:32.34]I need you to do this with me. 我需要与你同心协力 [03:38.54]That is the stupidest thing Ive ever heard. 这是我听过最傻的蠢话 [03:41.70]Were saving SpringfieId! 我们要拯救斯普林菲尔德! [03:42.22]Homer...

  • [辛普森一家] 《辛普森一家》电影台词(30) 日期:2017-07-03 12:07:38 点击:167 好评:0

    [02:32.42]Did you see that? 你们看到了吗? [02:34.26]Yes, theyre going to destroy SpringfieId. 是的,他们打算将斯普林菲尔德夷为平地! [02:36.94]But were going to stop them. 不过我们会阻止他们 [02:38.78]Hom...

  • [辛普森一家] 《辛普森一家》电影台词(29) 日期:2017-07-03 12:07:16 点击:212 好评:0

    [01:24.18]Anyone can pick something when they know what it is. 了解事实真相后,傻子也能做出判断 [01:28.34]It takes reaI Ieadership to pick something youre cIueIess about. 对于真正的领袖来说,其高明之处在于 在全...

  • [辛普森一家] 《辛普森一家》电影台词(28) 日期:2017-07-03 12:06:18 点击:89 好评:0

    [00:03.18]-Lets discuss Tuesdays with Morrie, -Again? - 好了,我们来讨论与莫里共度周二 - 还讨论? [00:06.86]If we dont get a new book, Im going to puke. 要是再不讨论新书,就要令我作呕了 [00:09.38]Youre the...

  • [辛普森一家] 《辛普森一家》电影台词(27) 日期:2017-07-03 12:05:51 点击:209 好评:0

    [02:22.70]WeII, at Ieast my poster didnt get torn. 好在我的画报没弄坏 [02:36.78]WeIcome to AIaska. Heres $ 1 000. 欢迎来阿拉斯加,这是给您的1000块钱 [02:41.46]WeII, its about time! But why? 真是雪中送炭啊!可为...

  • [辛普森一家] 《辛普森一家》电影台词(26) 日期:2017-07-03 12:05:26 点击:165 好评:0

    [00:43.14]Just give us beef jerky. 我们要牛肉干 [00:43.66]Lots and Iots of beef jerky. 好多好多牛肉干 [00:46.50]Thats right. Thats what we need. Thats aII we came in for. 对,我们就要这个 [00:49.82]Sure. 当然 [00:53.54...

  • [辛普森一家] 《辛普森一家》电影台词(25) 日期:2017-07-03 12:03:17 点击:87 好评:0

    [03:35.34]III give you one on the house. 再免费给你试一次 [03:36.02]-Youre the best. -Dad! - 你太好了 - 爸! [03:38.18]When you get to the top, dont sIow down, speed up! 到球顶的时候别减速,加速! [03:41.70]-But th...
