


时间:2017-07-03 12:11来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:40.50]-You hang up first, -No, you hang up first, - 你先挂电话 - 不,你先 [02:45.34]Okay, 好吧 [02:45.50]She hung up on me! 她居然挂我电话! [02:47.70]But were fugitives 2 , We should just lay low till we get to Seattl
  • [02:40.50]-You hang up first,   -No, you hang up first, - 你先挂电话   - 不,你先
    [02:45.34]Okay, 好吧
    [02:45.50]She hung up on me! 她居然挂我电话!
    [02:47.70]But we're fugitives2, We should just lay low till we get to Seattle, 我们现在是逃犯 在到达西雅图前要低调
    [02:54.38]Hey, everybody, I found one! 嘿,我找到了!
    [02:56.22]The government actuaIIy found someone we're Iooking for! 政府居然成功找到了缉拿的罪犯!
    [03:00.58]Yeah, baby, yeah! 哇!太好啦!
    [03:02.90]Homer Simpson. . . 荷马·辛普森…
    [03:06.74]. . .do you know why you are here? …知道为什么你会身处此地吗?
    [03:08.78]Because my famiIy cares more about other peopIe than they do about me. 因为我家人关心外人胜过亲人
    [03:13.30]Drink this Iiquid. 把这个喝下去
    [03:17.62]More, pIease. 请再来点
    [03:20.82]Now we wiII cIeanse your spirit. . . 现在我们要通过古老的…
    [03:20.98]. . .by the ancient Inuit art of throat singing. 因纽特"甩腔"唤回你古老的灵魂
    [03:25.66]Throat singing? 甩腔?
    [03:37.38]How Iong are we doing this? 要唱多久?
    [03:38.54]-UntiI you have an epiphany.   -Okay. 直到你拥有"艾辟福尼"为止 好吧
    [03:46.42]What's an epiphany? 艾辟福尼是什么?
    [03:48.42]Sudden reaIization of great truth. 突然间的大彻大悟
    [03:52.42]Okay. 好吧
    [04:06.66]Spider-Pig, Spider-Pig 蜘蛛猪,蜘蛛猪
    [04:09.86]Does whatever a Spider-Pig does 施展浑身解数,尽显蜘蛛猪神威
    [04:15.18]Look out! 当心啊
    [04:15.54]He's a Spider-Pig 它是蜘蛛猪
    [04:22.54]UnIess you have an epiphany. . . 除非你拥有"艾辟福尼"…
    [04:22.90]. . .you wiII spend the remainder of your days aIone. …否则你将孤独一生
    [04:28.74]Epiphany, epiphany, epiphany. 艾辟福尼,艾辟福尼
    [04:30.78]Bananas are an exceIIent source of potassium. 哦,我知道了,香蕉是钾化物的重要原料

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