


时间:2017-07-03 12:16来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:46.26]But how am I supposed to get up there? 我怎么才能到那儿去? [00:52.46]Here. Buy yourseIf something nice. 给,买点东西犒劳一下自己 [01:00.66]Homer? What the heII are you doing now? 荷马,你现在想干什么?
  • [00:46.26]But how am I supposed to get up there? 我怎么才能到那儿去?
    [00:52.46]Here. Buy yourseIf something nice. 给,买点东西犒劳一下自己
    [01:00.66]Homer? What the heII are you doing now? 荷马,你现在想干什么?
    [01:03.34]Risking my Iife to save peopIe I hate. . . 舍身去救那些到现在
    [01:05.50]. . .for reasons I don't quite understand. Gotta go! …我都不明白恨从何来的人 我得走了
    [01:09.86]But first, one stop. 首先,先要停一站
    [01:18.74]Bart? Son? 巴特?儿子?
    [01:21.06]You think you couId find it in your heart. . . 你能不能给你这个愚蠢的老爸
    [01:23.90]. . .to give your fooIish oId man one more chance? …一次改过的机会?
    [01:26.94]Oh, I don't know. 我,我不…
    [01:29.94]It seems to me, son, that your father's saying that. . . 孩子,我觉得你爸的意思
    [01:31.94]. . .he wants to spend his Iast minute with you. …是想和你共度生命的最后时刻
    [01:37.82]No. I can't do it. 不,我做不到
    [01:41.14]I want a father who's the same in the morning as he is at night. 我希望有个早上和晚上一样的爸爸
    [01:45.82]What's that word? 那个词是什么来着…
    [01:45.86]-Consistency.   -Consistency. - 始终如一   - 始终如一
    [01:48.86]Thanks, Iosers. 谢谢,衰人
    [01:49.54]Sorry, Homer. 抱歉,荷马
    [01:51.18]I'II Iet you hoId the bomb. 我会叫你抱着炸弹的
    [01:56.70]The man knows me. 那我就不能拒绝啦!
    [02:02.58]I wish Homer was my father. 真希望荷马是我老爸
    [02:03.74]And I wish you didn't have the deviI's curIy hair. 我还希望你没长着魔鬼一样的卷发呢
    [02:14.94]I've been taking your crap aII my Iife! 我这辈子都在听你的鬼话!
    [02:21.50]This feeIs good. No wonder you do it. 真爽啊!怪不得你们喜欢这么做
    [02:30.70]Okay, you've onIy got one shot1 to throw that bomb through the hoIe. 巴特,一定要一次命中 把炸弹从孔里扔出去

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      辛普森一家      

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