


时间:2017-06-26 12:29来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:51.22]If we dont do something now. . . . 如果我们仍置若罔闻的话 (斯普林菲尔德湖污染情况) [04:53.54]Im sorry, I Iost my train of thought. Isnt he dreamy? 抱歉,我思维有些混乱 他是不是令人芳心寸乱
  • [04:51.22]If we don't do something now. . . . 如果我们仍置若罔闻的话 (斯普林菲尔德湖污染情况)

    [04:53.54]I'm sorry, I Iost my train of thought. Isn't he dreamy? 抱歉,我思维有些混乱… 他是不是令人芳心寸乱?
    [04:58.58]Okay, so here's the bottom Iine: 好吧,这是底线
    [04:59.22]Agreed. 完全赞同
    [00:02.42]If we don't change our ways right now. . . 如果我们不马上付诸行动的话…
    [00:02.58]. . .poIIution in Lake SpringfieId wiII be at this IeveI. 斯普林菲尔德湖的污染将达到这种程度!
    [00:09.42]That's not so bad. 并不太糟啊
    [00:09.62]No, the Iift is stuck. 不,升降机卡住了…
    [00:18.66]Am I getting through to anyone? 大家明白我的意思吗?
    [00:19.66]HeII, yeah. We need a new one of those things. 明白!我们需要一台新升降机!
    [00:24.66]AII in favor of a new scissor Iift, say ''aye. '' 赞同购买新升降机的请说"赞成"
    [00:25.66]-Aye.   -No! - 赞成   - 不!
    [00:28.02]This Iake is just one piece of trash away from a toxic1 nightmare. 这湖水离彻底变成剧毒之湖仅仅一步之遥
    [00:33.54]But I knew you wouIdn't Iisten. 但是我知道我说的你们只会充耳不闻
    [00:34.06]So I took the Iiberty of pouring water from the Iake in aII your drinking gIasses. 所以我擅做主张 把你们喝的水都换成了湖水
    [00:42.22]This is why we shouId hate kids. 所以说不能给孩子好脸色看!
    [00:42.42]This is serious, peopIe. 这事事关重大
    [00:46.10]No more dumping in the Iake. I hereby decIare a state of emergency. 今后禁止向湖中倾倒废物 我现在宣布进入紧急状态
    [00:49.42]Code bIack. 黑色紧急状态!
    [00:53.26]BIack? That's the worst coIor there is. 黑色?这可是最糟糕的颜色!
    [00:57.14]-No offense2 there, CarI.   -I get it aII the time. - 不是说你,卡尔   - 算了,这种事我都习惯了
    [00:58.14](斯普林菲尔德清圬大行动 有志青年引发全民忧虑)
    [01:17.02]Sorry, sorry. No dumping in the Iake. 对不起,湖里禁止丢弃废物

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