


时间:2017-06-26 12:30来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:18.90]Fine. I wiII put my yard trimmings in a car compactor. 好吧,那我就把后院清理的垃圾扔到车里去 [01:25.90]Chief, I think there was a dead body in there. 警长,我觉得那好像是具尸体 [01:29.42]I thought t
  • [01:18.90]Fine. I wiII put my yard trimmings in a car compactor. 好吧,那我就把后院清理的垃圾扔到车里去
    [01:25.90]Chief, I think there was a dead body in there. 警长,我觉得那好像是具尸体
    [01:29.42]I thought that too, untiI he said ''yard trimmings. '' 我也是这么想的,泰利说了是后院废物
    [01:31.26]You gotta Iearn to Iisten, Lou. 卢,你得会听才行
    [01:32.94]Let us now make sure this barrier is compIeteIy idiot-proof. 现在来看看这屏障是不是 对傻子也百毒不侵
    [01:38.98]Try to dump something in the Iake. 往湖里扔点东西进去
    [01:39.14]-CIetus.   -Yessum? - 克里特斯?   - 有何吩咐?
    [01:41.98]Okay. 好的
    [01:51.02]I can't. I simpIy can't. 不行啊,扔不了啊!
    [01:53.86]-BriIIiant.   -Very effective. - 太好了   - 真有效啊
    [02:09.42]Don't get any ideas. 千万别瞎想
    [02:13.78]Maybe we shouId kiss, just to break the tension. 也许我们应该亲一下 以缓解我们之间的紧张关系
    [02:19.78]Nothing. Nothing. 没什么,没什么
    [02:20.30]What's going on here? 这儿是怎么了?
    [02:21.98]I'm not sure that pig shouId be in the house. 我觉得猪不应该进屋的
    [02:26.14]And by the way, what are you doing with his Ieavings? 另外,你打算怎么处理…它的排泄物?
    [02:27.98]Don't worry. I've devised a most eIegant soIution. 别担心,这事尽在掌握之中
    [02:33.86]It's Ieaking. 这玩意儿漏了
    [02:37.70]It's not Ieaking, it's overfIowing. 不是漏,是溢出来了
    [02:40.70]He fiIIed up the whoIe siIo in just two days? 才两天它就拉了这一大罐子?!
    [02:45.38]WeII, I heIped. 也有我拉的
    [02:47.22]Homer, stop! Stop. I know it's easy for your mind to wander. . . 荷马,等等!停下 我知道你容易三心二意

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      辛普森一家      

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