


时间:2017-07-03 12:10来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:32.34]I need you to do this with me. 我需要与你同心协力 [03:38.54]That is the stupidest thing Ive ever heard. 这是我听过最傻的蠢话 [03:41.70]Were saving SpringfieId! 我们要拯救斯普林菲尔德! [03:42.22]Homer
  • [03:32.34]''I need you to do this with me. '' "我需要与你同心协力"
    [03:38.54]That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. 这是我听过最傻的蠢话
    [03:41.70]We're saving SpringfieId! 我们要拯救斯普林菲尔德!
    [03:42.22]Homer Simpson! 荷马·辛普森!
    [03:45.74]Listen to me, aII of you. We are staying. 你们都给我听好!我们就待在这儿!
    [03:46.22]We have a great Iife in AIaska. . . 我们在阿拉斯加过得很开心…
    [03:50.22]. . .and we're never going back to America again. …绝不会再踏入美国一步!
    [03:52.10]I have spoken! 我说完了!
    [04:12.66]WeII, I guess I've Iet her worry about me Iong enough. 让他们提心吊胆够了
    [04:30.06]Marge? Kids? 玛芝?孩子?
    [04:46.30]Okay, here goes, 好啦
    [04:48.66]Homer,,, 荷马…
    [04:51.66]When people point out your flaws,,, 当别人指责你的错误缺点时…
    [04:51.98],,,I've always stood up for you, …我总是支持你
    [04:56.02],,,I always say: …我总是说
    [04:58.02]''Well, sometimes you have to stand back to appreciate a work of art, '' 只要变换个角度看待 就能体会到荷马的真诚
    [00:05.38]Way back. 大角度
    [00:06.22]Lately, what's keeping us together,,, 可最近,我只能靠忽略你的所作所为…
    [00:11.06],,,is my ability to overlook everything you do, …来维系我们之间的感情
    [00:13.90]And I overlook these things because,,,, 之所以忽略,是因为…

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      辛普森一家      

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