


时间:2017-06-26 12:24来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:05.22]You know, we are on the roof. We couId have some fun. 我们现在在房顶上 我们可以找点乐子的 [03:06.58]What kind of fun? 哪种乐子? [03:08.26]How about a dare contest? 勇敢比赛怎么样? [03:09.94]That sou
  • [03:05.22]You know, we are on the roof. We couId have some fun. 我们现在在房顶上… 我们可以找点乐子的
    [03:06.58]What kind of fun? 哪种乐子?
    [03:08.26]How about a dare contest? "勇敢比赛"怎么样?
    [03:09.94]That sounds fun. I dare you to. . . 那好啊,我说你敢…
    [03:13.10]. . .cIimb the TV antenna3! …爬到电视天线上去!
    [03:19.30]-Piece of cake.   -Earthquake! - 小菜一碟~   - 地震啦!
    [03:28.34]Aftershock! 余震!
    [03:30.02]Homer, I don't mean to be a Nervous Pervis. . . 荷马,别说我大惊小怪…
    [03:32.50]. . .but if he faIIs, couIdn't that make your boy a parapIege-arino? 但要是他不小心掉下来,下肢瘫痪怎么办?
    [03:37.54]Shut up, FIanders. 闭嘴吧,佛兰德斯
    [03:40.70]-Yeah, shut up, FIanders.   -WeII said, boy. - 对,闭上嘴,佛兰德斯   - 说得好,小子!
    [03:44.38]Steady. Steady. 别动,别动
    [03:47.42]Steady. . . . 待好别动…
    [03:52.78]HeIIo. Sorry to bother you on a Sunday. . . 您好,抱歉周日还打扰您
    [03:57.26]. . .but I'm sure you're as worried about the poIIution in Lake SpringfieId as I am. 但是我想您一定和我一样 忧虑斯普林菲尔德湖水污染问题
    [04:05.82]Lake SpringfieId has higher IeveIs of mercury than ev-- 斯普林菲尔德湖水汞含量高于以往…
    [04:16.18]Why, it's the IittIe girI who saved my cat. 原来是救我家猫猫的小姑娘

    [04:21.86]Lake SpringfieId is-- 斯普林菲尔德湖水…
    [04:32.94]Come on over, Lisa. 来吧,丽莎
    [04:34.42]You can canvass4 me as Iong as you want. 和我聊多久都成
    [04:37.78]MiIhouse, you don't care about the environment. 维尔豪斯,你才不在乎环境呢!
    [04:39.62]Hey. I am very passionate5 about the pIanet. 嘿!我对地球家园无比热爱!
    [04:45.14]It's a myth! Further study is needed! 是扯淡!还需要经一步研究调查!
    [04:47.66]That's for seIIing out your beIiefs. 轻易放弃信仰,这拳是赏给你的!

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      辛普森一家      

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