


时间:2017-06-26 12:24来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:54.66]Oh, poor MiIhouse. 哦,可怜的维尔豪斯 [04:55.34]Dream coming true. 终于美梦成真了 [04:58.18]Are you aware that a Ieaky faucet 6 can waste over--? 您知道漏泄燃料 [05:00.02]Two thousand gaIIons a year. 一年损耗
  • [04:54.66]Oh, poor MiIhouse. 哦,可怜的维尔豪斯
    [04:55.34]Dream coming true. 终于美梦成真了
    [04:58.18]Are you aware that a Ieaky faucet6 can waste over--? 您知道漏泄燃料…
    [05:00.02]Two thousand gaIIons a year. 一年损耗2000加仑?
    [00:03.70]-Turning off Iights can save--   -Enough energy to power Pittsburgh. - 随手关灯所节省的能源…   - 足够供给整个匹兹堡
    [00:06.38]And if we kept our thermostats1 at 68 in winter-- 如果冬季我们能将温控计设置在16度…
    [00:06.90]We'd be free from our dependency on foreign oiI in 1 7 years. 仅需17年,我们即可不受海外石油的影响
    [00:11.22]I'm CoIin. 我叫科林
    [00:12.06]I haven't seen you at schooI. 我从没在学校见过你
    [00:15.78]-Is he. . .?   -He's not Bono. - 他难道是…   - 他不是Bono(爱尔兰U2乐队主音)
    [00:16.42]Moved from IreIand. My dad's a musician. 我们刚从爱尔兰搬来,我爸爸是音乐家
    [00:19.94]-I just thought, because you're Irish and--   -He's not Bono. - 我只是在想,你是爱尔兰人,又…   - 他不是Bono!
    [00:22.94]Just piano, guitar, trumpet2, drums and bass3. 只会钢琴、吉他、小号、鼓和低音提琴
    [00:24.10]Do you pIay? 你也弹奏乐器吗?
    [00:26.78]He's pure gold, For once in your life, be cool, 他就是我的神啊! 这次你可一定要矜持住
    [00:29.66]So is your name as pretty as your face? 你的芳名是不是如你容貌般赏心悦目?
    [00:37.34]You okay there? 你还好吗?
    [00:43.70]Twisted tail! A thousand eyes! Trapped forever! 扭曲的尾巴、一千只眼睛,被困终生
    [00:48.54]What couId that be? 那是什么意思?
    [00:50.38]I beIieve it's the sound the Green Lantern made. . . 我觉得是绿灯侠被塞尼斯托
    [00:54.42]. . .when Sinestro threw him into a vat4 of acid. 扔到酸缸后发出的尖叫声

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      辛普森一家      

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