
  • [傲慢与偏见] 《傲慢与偏见》电影台词(28) 日期:2016-12-11 22:03:32 点击:179 好评:0

    [01:37.84]No, no, wait, please. I beg you. 别走 [01:39.36]- that anybody need not hear. - No nonsense, Lizzie. 别傻了,莉琪 [01:39.52]Mr Collins can have nothing to say to me 他想说什么大家都能听 [01:41.56]I desire you wil...

  • [傲慢与偏见] 《傲慢与偏见》电影台词(27) 日期:2016-12-11 22:02:20 点击:209 好评:0

    [03:56.88]after were married. [03:60.88]Cant help feeling that at any point this evening 我看待会这群乡下人 [04:01.24]someones going to produce a piglet and make us chase it. 就会把猪公抬出来献宝 [04:13.12]I do apologise,...

  • [傲慢与偏见] 《傲慢与偏见》电影台词(26) 日期:2016-12-11 22:01:47 点击:104 好评:0

    [02:09.80]in the personage of Lady Catherine de Bourg? [02:17.00](MARY SINGING) [02:24.52]Mary dear, youve delighted us long enough. 亲爱的玛丽,你唱够了吧 [02:30.20]Let the other young ladies have a turn. 把机会让给其他的女...

  • [傲慢与偏见] 《傲慢与偏见》电影台词(25) 日期:2016-12-11 22:00:50 点击:68 好评:0

    [00:01.96]Makes it all so much more enjoyable, dont you think? 这样不是更令人愉快吗? [00:07.64]Tell me, do you and your sisters very often walk to Meryton? 你和你的姐妹经常散步吗? [00:13.16]Yes, we often walk to Mer...

  • [傲慢与偏见] 《傲慢与偏见》电影台词(24) 日期:2016-12-11 22:00:01 点击:193 好评:0

    [02:55.96]Were it not for the presence [02:57.44]at Netherfield of a certain gentleman. 这才是我最主要的目的 [02:60.28]Which is my primary object of the evening. [02:60.96]That gentleman barely warrants the name. 那个人才不是绅...

  • [傲慢与偏见] 《傲慢与偏见》电影台词(23) 日期:2016-12-11 21:59:23 点击:201 好评:0

    [00:42.92]I dare say Ive never met a more pleasant gentleman 我没见过像他那么随和的绅士 [00:44.08]in all my years. 他对珍简直是好到不行 [00:46.92]Did you see how he dotes on her? [00:48.28]Dear Jane. Always doing what...

  • [傲慢与偏见] 《傲慢与偏见》电影台词(22) 日期:2016-12-11 21:57:42 点击:94 好评:0

    [03:53.12]Oh, Jane, do you never think ill of anybody? 珍,你不相信世上有坏人吗? [03:55.32]Well, how could Mr Darcy do such a thing? 达西先生为什么要这么做? [03:59.32]Ill discover the truth from Mr Bingley 我会在...

  • [傲慢与偏见] 《傲慢与偏见》电影台词(21) 日期:2016-12-11 21:57:13 点击:101 好评:0

    [02:00.04]especially given our cold greeting this afternoon. 尤其是他下午对我那么冷汉 [02:07.72]Well, I hope that your plans in favour of Meryton 希望你不会因为那个人 [02:09.72]will not be affected8 by your relations w...

  • [傲慢与偏见] 《傲慢与偏见》电影台词(20) 日期:2016-12-11 21:56:39 点击:129 好评:0

    [00:38.68]Ignore me. 别理我 [00:40.04]Im of next to no importance, SO its easily done. 我本来就微不足道,那很容易 [00:45.40]LYDIA: Lizzie, lend me some money. 莉琪,借我钱 [00:46.88]You already owe me a fortune, Liddy....

  • [傲慢与偏见] 《傲慢与偏见》电影台词(19) 日期:2016-12-11 21:55:22 点击:151 好评:0

    [04:11.68]would make anyone an excellent partner. 她会是一位很好的伴侣 [04:17.36]Do not you agree, Mr Collins? 你不觉得吗,柯林斯先生? [04:19.40]Indeed. 没错 [04:24.08]Very agreeable alternative. 她是很好的第二...
