


时间:2016-12-11 21:52来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:57.52]What a shame, for I dearly love to laugh. 真可惜,我这人超爱笑的 [03:01.36]CAROLINE: A family trait, I think. 我猜那是家族遗传吧 [03:30.32]A Mrs Bennet, a Miss Bennet, 贝内特太太、贝内特小姐 [03:32.4
  •   [02:57.52]What a shame, for I dearly love to laugh. 真可惜,我这人超爱笑的
      [03:01.36]CAROLINE: A family trait, I think. 我猜那是家族遗传吧
      [03:30.32]A Mrs Bennet, a Miss Bennet, 贝内特太太、贝内特小姐
      [03:32.48]a Miss Bennet, and a Miss Bennet, sir. 贝内特小姐和贝内特小姐
      [03:36.16]Oh, for heaven's sake, are we to receive 天啊,全国姓贝的都来了吗?
      [03:36.16]every Bennet in the country?
      [03:42.20]What an excellent room you have, sir. 这间房间真奢华
      [03:44.72]Such expensive furnishings. 好昂贵的家具哦
      [03:50.40]Oh, I do hope you intend to stay here, Mr Bingley. 我真希望你会住下来
      [03:53.92]Absolutely. I find the country very diverting. 当然了,我觉得乡下很有趣
      [03:55.08]Don't you agree, Darcy? 你不觉得吗,达西?
      [03:56.24]find it perfectly15 adequate, 我觉得还算可以
      [03:59.28]even if society's a little less varied16 than in town. 只是这地方的人烟稀少
      [04:01.44]MRS BENNET: Less varied? Not at all. 人烟稀少?不会啦
      [04:03.44]We dine with four and twenty families of all shapes and sizes. 这儿有二十四户人家耶
      [04:08.32]Sir William Lucas, for instance, is a very agreeable man 卢卡斯爵士就是个大好人
      [04:12.00]and a good deal less self- important than some people half his rank. 而且一点都不傲慢自大
      [04:19.00]LYDIA: Mr Bingley, is it true that you've promised 你是不是答应要举办一场舞会?
      [04:21.20]- to hold a ball here at Netherfield? - A ball? 舞会?
      [04:23.20]It would be an excellent way to meet new friends. 那是认识新朋友的好机会
      [04:26.20]You could invite the militia17. They're excellent company. 你可以邀请军官
      [04:27.72]- Oh, do hold a ball. - ELIZABETH: Kitty. - 办舞会好耶 - 凯蒂
      [04:31.88]When your sister is recovered, you shall name the day. 等你姐病好了就挑个日子吧
      [04:33.56]I think a ball is a perfectly irrational18 way 参加舞会并不能真正认识朋友
      [04:36.92]to gain new acquaintance.
      [04:37.76]It would be better if conversation, instead of dancing, 我觉得跟跳舞比起来

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