


时间:2016-12-11 22:23来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:14.62]and I thought, Who is to be our best man if he doesnt come back? 这时我就想要找谁当伴郎呢? [01:16.30]Lucky he did come back or I would have had to ask Mr Darcy, 幸好他回来,不然就要找达西 [01:18.62]but I
  •   [01:14.62]and I thought, Who is to be our best man if he doesn't come back? 这时我就想要找谁当伴郎呢?
      [01:16.30]Lucky he did come back or I would have had to ask Mr Darcy, 幸好他回来,不然就要找达西
      [01:18.62]but I don't really like him. 不过我不喜欢他
      [01:20.98]Mr Darcy? 达西先生?
      [01:22.98]Oh, I forgot. But I shouldn't have said a word. 我忘了,我不该提起他的
      [01:29.02]Mr Darcy was at your wedding? 达西先生也去参加你的婚礼?
      [01:30.50]He was the one that discovered us. 是他先找到我们
      [01:33.34]He paid for the wedding, Wickham's commission. Everything. 他出钱办婚礼,给韦克翰钱 一切都是他搞定
      [01:36.22]But don't tell anyone. He told me not to tell. 别说出去,他叫我别说
      [01:39.70]- Mr Darcy? - Stop it, Lizzie. - 达西先生? - 别再说了啦
      [01:44.06]Mr Darcy's not half as high and mighty4 as you sometimes. 达西先生才没你那么傲慢呢
      [01:47.10]MRS BENNET: Tell Kitty to stop glaring at Mr Wickham,
      [01:49.42]your father's doing enough for the pair of them.
      [01:54.46]LYDIA: Kitty, have you seen my ring? 凯蒂,我的婚戒呢?
      [01:57.94]Write to me often, my dear. 你要常常写信哦
      [01:58.46]Married women never have much time for writing. 已婚妇女才没时间写信呢
      [02:02.82](DOG BARKING) 我嫁给你爸以后每天从早忙到晚
      [02:04.30]When I married your father
      [02:06.50]there didn't seem to be enough hours in the day!
      [02:09.66](HORSE NEIGHING)
      [02:09.86]LYDIA: Well, my sisters may write to me. For they'll have nothing else to do. 我的姐妹可以写信给我 反正她们闲闲没事做
      [02:14.54](LYDIA GIGGLING)
      [02:20.22](ROOSTER CROWING)
      [02:22.38]There's nothing so bad as parting with one's children. 把女儿嫁出去最令人难过

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      傲慢与偏见      

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