


时间:2016-12-11 21:48来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:12.12]Apparently, Lady Bathurst is redecorating her ballroom3 巴赫斯特夫人要重新装修舞厅 [02:14.32]in the French style. 改成法式风格 [02:16.84]A little unpatriotic, dont you think? 这不是有点不爱国吗? [02:2
  •   [02:12.12]Apparently, Lady Bathurst is redecorating her ballroom3 巴赫斯特夫人要重新装修舞厅
      [02:14.32]in the French style. 改成法式风格
      [02:16.84]A little unpatriotic, don't you think? 这不是有点不爱国吗?
      [02:24.36]Miss Elizabeth Bennet. 伊莉莎白贝内特小姐
      [02:40.60]Good Lord, Miss Elizabeth. Did you walk here? 老天爷,你是走来的吗?
      [02:43.08]I did. 没错
      [02:50.80]- I'm so sorry. How is my sister? - She's upstairs. - 对不起,我姐姐还好吧? - 她在楼上
      [02:58.48]Thank you. 谢谢你
      [03:09.36]CAROLINE: My goodness, did you see her hem4? 你有没有看到她的裙摆?
      [03:11.04]Six inches deep in mud. She looked positively medieval. 全都沾满了污泥 她看起来活像一个村姑
      [03:16.72]I feel such a terrible imposition, they're being so kind to me. 他们对我这么好,真不好意思
      [03:21.40]Don't worry. don't know who is more pleased 你待在这儿真不知道谁比较高兴 妈妈或是宾利先生
      [03:22.92]at your being here, Mama or Mr Bingley.
      [03:33.12]Thank you for tending to my sister so diligently5. 谢谢你悉心照顾我姐姐
      [03:35.12]She is in far better comfort here than she would have been at home. 她待在这儿比回家舒服很多
      [03:37.32]It's a pleasure. 我也很高兴
      [03:41.32]I mean it's... Sorry. 抱歉
      [03:42.64]Not a pleasure that she's ill, of course not. 我不是很高兴她生病
      [03:43.52]It's a pleasure that she's here, being ill. 我是很高兴她在这儿养病
      [03:49.36](PIG GRUNTING) 咱们家的猪仔不会得冠军
      [03:51.04]BENNET: Not going to be famous, our pig.
      [03:52.88]Back of the back, not related to the learnt pig of Norwich. 再怎样也赢不了别人家的猪公

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