


时间:2016-12-11 22:01来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:09.80]in the personage of Lady Catherine de Bourg? [02:17.00](MARY SINGING) [02:24.52]Mary dear, youve delighted us long enough. 亲爱的玛丽,你唱够了吧 [02:30.20]Let the other young ladies have a turn. 把机会让给其他的女
  •   [02:09.80]in the personage of Lady Catherine de Bourg?
      [02:17.00](MARY SINGING)
      [02:24.52]Mary dear, you've delighted us long enough. 亲爱的玛丽,你唱够了吧
      [02:30.20]Let the other young ladies have a turn. 把机会让给其他的女生
      [02:36.72]BINGLEY: I had her since I was a child and then she died. 我小时候它就死了
      [02:37.56]Now I have a beautiful grey. 现在我有一匹灰马
      [02:39.76]Of course, Caroline's a much better rider than I am. Of course. 不过卡洛琳的骑术比我好
      [02:47.96]Oh, yes, we fully3 expect a most advantageous4 marriage. 我们很期待她能嫁到好人家
      [02:54.48]And my Jane marrying this young man 不过珍要替她的姐妹着想
      [02:55.32]must throw her sisters in the way of other rich men.
      [02:60.00](PEOPLE CHATTERING)
      [03:09.52](MUSIC PLAYING)
      [03:21.24]Clearly my family are having a competition 我的家人好像在比赛
      [03:22.56]to see who can expose themselves to the most ridicule5. 谁会出最大的糗
      [03:24.60]Well, at least Bingley has not noticed. 至少宾利视而不见
      [03:28.76]- No. I think he likes her very much. - But does she like him? - 当然了,因为他太喜欢她了 - 可是她喜欢他吗?
      [03:33.28]There are few of us who are secure enough 没有一点鼓励
      [03:35.28]to be really in love without proper encouragement. 很少人能勇敢去爱
      [03:36.64]Bingley likes her enormously 宾利是很喜欢她
      [03:40.00]but might not do more if she does not help him on. 不过她没表示,他就不会行动
      [03:43.84]But she's just shy and modest. 她只是很害羞
      [03:45.68]If he cannot perceive her regard, he is a fool. 他感受不到她的心意就是傻瓜
      [03:47.16]We are all fools in love. 爱情会让人变成傻瓜
      [03:48.68]He does not know her character as we do. 他不像我们这么了解她
      [03:52.52]She should move fast, snap him up. 她应该赶快把他抢到手
      [03:56.56]There is plenty of time for us to get to know them 婚后有很多时间可以互相了解

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      傲慢与偏见      

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