


时间:2016-12-11 22:03来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:37.84]No, no, wait, please. I beg you. 别走 [01:39.36]- that anybody need not hear. - No nonsense, Lizzie. 别傻了,莉琪 [01:39.52]Mr Collins can have nothing to say to me 他想说什么大家都能听 [01:41.56]I desire you wil
  •   [01:37.84]No, no, wait, please. I beg you. 别走
      [01:39.36]- that anybody need not hear. - No nonsense, Lizzie. 别傻了,莉琪
      [01:39.52]Mr Collins can have nothing to say to me 他想说什么大家都能听
      [01:41.56]I desire you will stay where you are. 你坐着别动
      [01:43.88]Everyone else to the drawing room. 大家都给我出去
      [01:46.04]- Mr Bennet? - But...
      [01:47.08]Now. 快点
      [01:50.76]Jane. Jane.
      [01:51.40]Jane, please, don't. 珍,别走
      [01:53.44]- Jane? - Jane.
      [01:58.12]Papa, stay. 爸,留下来
      [02:01.80](DOOR CLOSING)
      [02:27.56]Dear Miss Elizabeth, 亲爱的伊莉莎白小姐
      [02:30.56]I am sure my attentions have been too marked to be mistaken. 我相信我来的目的应该很明显
      [02:32.76]Almost as soon as I entered the house, 我第一次来你家
      [02:37.08]I singled you out as the companion of my future life. 就挑选你成为我的未来伴侣
      [02:39.76](CLEARS THROAT)
      [02:40.44]But before I am run away with my feelings, 不过趁我还没告白之前
      [02:45.80]perhaps I may state my reasons for marrying. 我想先说出我想成亲的理由
      [02:46.48]Firstly, that it is the duty of a clergyman 弟一 一位牧师必须立下婚姻的好榜样
      [02:50.00]to set the example of matrimony in his parish.
      [02:52.48]Secondly, that I am convinced it will add greatly to my happiness. 第二,我确定婚姻能让我幸福

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