


时间:2018-03-08 12:04来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:27.56]Whats with the dog? 这狗是做什么的? [00:30.68]Hes a service dog. Your Honor. 他是只服务犬,法官阁下 [00:30.96]DE SALVO: Well. please make sure he behaves himself. 好吧,请确保他表现检点 [00:33.76]- l
  • [00:27.56]What's with the dog? 这狗是做什么的?
    [00:30.68]He's a service dog. Your Honor. 他是只服务犬,法官阁下
    [00:30.96]DE SALVO: Well. please make sure he behaves himself. 好吧,请确保他表现检点
    [00:33.76]- l just had these carpets cleaned. CAMPBELL: Yes. ma'am. - 我刚打扫过地毯 - 是,夫人
    [00:35.32]Good to see you. Sara. l wasn't aware you were practicing. 见到你很高兴,Sara 我没有意识到你也是干律师这行的
    [00:37.64]l wasn't planning to. Your Honor. but the complainant is my daughter. 我没有计划过这事,法官阁下,但是原告是我的女儿
    [00:43.88]What's this about. counselor2? 这个案子是关于什么的,律师?
    [00:46.36]...be medically emancipated3 from her parents. 可以从她的父母那儿得到医学自由
    [00:46.88]Mrs. Fitzgerald's youngest child wishes to... Fitzgerald夫人的小女儿希望
    [00:48.28]There's no legal definition of medical emancipation4... 在加利福尼亚州
    [00:52.84]...not in the state of California. 并没有有关医学自由的法律解释
    [00:54.04]lt's one of those New Age terms that Mr. Alexander has latched5 onto. 这是Alexander先生自己定义的新条款吧
    [00:58.28]Yes. l'm well aware of Mr. Alexander's reputation. 是的,我很清楚Alexander先生的名声
    [00:60.40]He once tried to sue God in my courtroom. 他曾经在我的法庭上打算起诉上帝
    [01:02.96]Did sue. Your Honor. 已经起诉了,法官阁下
    [01:05.04]Jerome Dylan v. the Diocese of California. Jerome Dylan起诉加利福尼亚州主教
    [01:05.48]- And l won that one. - l remember. So? - 而且我赢了 - 我记得,所以呢?
    [01:10.12]An 1 1 -year-old can't be emancipated. at least not legally. 十一岁的孩子不能是自由的,最起码在法律上不是

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