


时间:2018-03-08 12:05来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:10.16]So Mr. Alexander wants you to change the law. 所以Alexander先生希望你更改法律 [01:15.68]She loves her parents and wants to live at home. 她爱她的父母,愿意住在家里 [01:15.72]My client is not seeking to be em
  • [01:10.16]So Mr. Alexander wants you to change the law. 所以Alexander先生希望你更改法律
    [01:15.68]She loves her parents and wants to live at home. 她爱她的父母,愿意住在家里
    [01:15.72]My client is not seeking to be emancipated. 我的当事人不是寻求完全的自由
    [01:19.68]She doesn't wanna be cut open anymore. 她只是不愿意再被切开了
    [01:21.28]Yes. l read the complaint. What is it exactly that you're after? 是的,我读了诉状,你究竟要寻求什么?
    [01:26.44]DE SALVO: All right. Very smart. 很对,很明智
    [01:26.64]Limited termination of parental6 rights. 限制性终止父母权利
    [01:31.28]Very creative. l assume you have precedent7? 很有创造力,我想你有先例?
    [01:32.40]Yes. Planned Parenthood v. Danforth. 是的,计生联合会起诉Danforth一案
    [01:33.76]Mature minor8 doctrine9: Smith v. Seibly. Agrello v. Florida. 成熟未成年人原则:Smith起诉Seibly一案 Agrello起诉Florida一案
    [01:39.28]And defense10 is moving for summary dismissal? 被告要求驳回诉讼?
    [01:41.96]SARA: Yes. Today. if possible. 是的,就在今天,如果可能的话
    [01:42.64]Anna's too young to make a decision of this size on her own. Anna太小了,不能自己做出如此重大的决定
    [01:46.04]She doesn't understand what it is she wants. 她不懂她要的是什么
    [01:48.72]She's 1 1 years old. She changes her mind every five minutes. 她才十一岁大,五分钟就会变一次主意
    [01:50.16]You know how young girls can be. 你知道小女孩是什么样子
    [01:56.84]Oh. my God. l'm so sorry. l.... 噢,天啊,我很抱歉,我
    [02:03.20]The best interests of the child. Your Honor. 孩子的最高利益,法官阁下

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