


时间:2018-03-05 12:31来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:14.84]You believe that? Hey. sweetie. wheres your locket? 你相信? 嘿,亲爱的,你的项链呢? [04:16.80]Oh. l didnt feel like wearing it today. 哦,今天没戴 [04:18.92]- Eat. Kate. - lm eating. - 吃饭,Kate - 我在吃
  • [04:14.84]You believe that? Hey. sweetie. where's your locket? 你相信? 嘿,亲爱的,你的项链呢?
    [04:16.80]Oh. l didn't feel like wearing it today. 哦,今天没戴
    [04:18.92]- Eat. Kate. - l'm eating. - 吃饭,Kate - 我在吃
    [04:20.68]SARA: Is it not good? - lt's really good. Mom. - 不好吃吗? - 很不错,妈妈
    [04:22.60]BRIAN: It's good to me. 我也觉得挺好吃的
    [04:24.68]l have lentils in the fridge if you want some. 你要的话,冰箱里有扁豆
    [04:27.76]l'm fine. Mom. 我没事,妈咪
    [04:28.04]- You're not hungry? - l bet she needs to breathe a little bit. - 你不饿? - 我想她可能需要点新鲜空气
    [04:30.92]- Maybe you should try to breathe a bit. - Maybe l will a bit later. - 可能你也需要呼吸一下新鲜空气 - 我一会儿再去吧
    [04:35.52]Gross. 没羞
    [04:35.52]- Where are you going? KATE: Bathroom. wanna come? - 你要去哪儿? - 浴室,你要来吗?
    [04:39.16]SARA: Will you breathe on me later? 你一会和我出去透透气吗?
    [00:09.48]8RIAN: Having a child who is sick is a full-time1 occupation. 照料生病的孩子是个全职工作
    [00:15.48]Sure, we still enioy the usual day-to-day happinesses of family life. 我们依然在享受家庭生活的日常乐趣
    [00:21.64]Big house. great kids. beautiful wife. 大房子,好孩子还有娇妻
    [00:23.84]I But beneath the exterior2 there are cracks... 但是在这只是表面
    [00:28.60]...resentments3... 忿恨
    [00:29.80]...alliances that threaten the very foundation of our lives... 联合起来威胁着我们生活的根基
    [00:32.48]...as at any moment our whole world could come tumbling down. 我们的世界随时可能倾覆
    [00:39.56]BRIAN: l don't know when it started. but probably around 1 1 it was 103. 我不知道什么时候开始的,大约11点 体温是103华氏度(约合39.4摄氏度)

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