
  • [返老还童] 《返老还童》电影台词(91) 日期:2016-09-07 12:30:20 点击:210 好评:0

    [00:42.88]And in the spring of 2003... 2003年春天 [00:51.32]...he looked at me... 他看着我 [00:56.40]...and I knew that he knew who I was 我知道他知道我是谁 [01:03.84]And then he closed his eyes as if... 然后他就闭上眼...

  • [返老还童] 《返老还童》电影台词(90) 日期:2016-09-07 12:28:02 点击:101 好评:0

    [04:11.36]Hes up there on the roof 他在屋顶上面 [04:12.04]It wasnt easy 真的很辛苦 [04:15.20]Benjamin 班哲明! [04:17.92]I can see everything. I can see the big river 我看得到一切!我看到大河! [04:19.48]Thats ri...

  • [返老还童] 《返老还童》电影台词(89) 日期:2016-09-07 12:27:18 点击:86 好评:0

    [03:01.76]Would you mind if I sit with you? 我能陪你坐吗? [03:05.44]I would love to hear you play 我很想听你弹钢琴 [03:11.60]Do I know you? 我认识你吗? [03:18.72]DAISY; And every day, I would stop by to make sure that...

  • [返老还童] 《返老还童》电影台词(88) 日期:2016-09-07 12:26:38 点击:156 好评:0

    [01:23.04]...the Orleans Parish Department of Child Welfare1 Services 新奥尔良儿福局的何大卫 [01:28.60]He was living in a condemned2 building 他睡在一栋废弃屋 [01:30.80]The police found this with him 警方在他身上找到...

  • [返老还童] 《返老还童》电影台词(87) 日期:2016-09-07 12:24:43 点击:134 好评:0

    [04:34.80](ON TV) Few people even know that you were in jail7 in the first place 没几个人知道你坐了监 [04:35.08]Ill tell you, I am sick about it too, because, please... 话你听,我也很讨厌这样 拜托,因为 [04:3...

  • [返老还童] 《返老还童》电影台词(86) 日期:2016-09-07 12:23:14 点击:160 好评:0

    [01:47.80]I dont know what Im gonna do 我不知道我要做什么 [01:50.36]But.... 不过 [01:57.04]Theyre waiting 他们在等我 [02:42.88]I remember that 我记得那一天 [02:43.24]That was him? WOMAN (ON TV) ; Just look at the sa...

  • [返老还童] 《返老还童》电影台词(85) 日期:2016-09-07 12:22:28 点击:190 好评:0

    [00:26.08]Bye 再见 [00:28.36]Im just locking up 我只是要锁门 [00:38.00]Shes beautiful 她好美哦 [00:40.80]Like her mother. Does she dance? 像她妈妈一样,她会跳舞吗? [00:43.08]-Not very well. -I guess thatd be from m...

  • [返老还童] 《返老还童》电影台词(84) 日期:2016-09-07 12:21:08 点击:105 好评:0

    [03:41.52]GIRL; Good night, Miss Daisy. DAISY; Oh, good night, sweetheart - 晚安,黛丝小姐 - 晚安,乖女 [04:03.56]Im sorry, were closing 抱歉,我们关门了 [04:08.04]Can I help you? 我能效劳吗? [04:11.44]Are you her...

  • [返老还童] 《返老还童》电影台词(83) 日期:2016-09-07 12:20:41 点击:201 好评:0

    [01:48.76]Six 6岁 [01:50.28]I wish I could have been there to teach you to play piano. 我希望我能教你弹钢琴 [01:58.44]1 981 , 1 3 1981年,13岁 [01:59.12]I wish I could have told you not to chase1 some boy 我希望我能叮咛你...

  • [返老还童] 《返老还童》电影台词(82) 日期:2016-09-07 12:19:38 点击:89 好评:0

    [03:43.80]DAISY; Is it me? -Of course not - 是因为我吗? - 当然不是 [03:47.40]Is that what youre telling me? 是这样吗? [03:49.28]You cant raise the both of us 你不能同时养我们 [04:00.80]BENJAMIN; It was your first bi...
