


时间:2016-08-15 12:29来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:46.72]Your hands are so coarse 你的手好粗糙 [01:00.80]I can feel the wind in your cheek 你的脸颊有风吹雨打的感觉 [01:09.76]Im afraid its the witching hour 恐怕这是该走的时候了 [01:20.60]Its something you neve
  •   [00:46.72]Your hands are so coarse 你的手好粗糙
      [01:00.80]I can feel the wind in your cheek 你的脸颊有风吹雨打的感觉
      [01:09.76]I’m afraid it’s the witching hour 恐怕这是该走的时候了
      [01:20.60]It’s something you never forget 那是永生难忘的经验
      [01:34.24]ELIZABETH; Cheers. BENJAMIN; I think you make me feel younger - 饮杯 - 你让我觉得更年轻
      [01:35.80]ELIZABETH; You make me feel years younger too 你也让我觉得更年轻
      [01:40.08]I wish I was 真希望我还年轻
      [01:42.04]So many things I’d change 这样就能改变很多事
      [01:44.24]I’d undo1 all my mistakes 不会犯我犯过的错误
      [01:47.84]What mistakes? 什么错误?
      [01:53.12]I kept waiting, you know? 我一直在等待
      [01:55.48]Thinking that I’d do something to change my circumstances 觉得我会做什么改变现况
      [02:00.44]Do something 真的有所成就
      [02:05.32]Such an awful waste. You never get it back 人只会年轻一次,过了就没了
      [02:07.72]Wasted time 浪费青春
      [02:14.84]If we’re going to have an affair... 如果我们要有外遇
      [02:18.36]...you’re never to look at me during the day 你在白天就不能看我
      [02:23.12]And we’re always to part before sunrise 破晓之前一定要分开
      [02:25.68]And we will never say, "I love you." 也不能说“我爱你”

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