


时间:2016-08-15 12:28来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:39.48]...but the caviar and the vodka... 不过鱼子酱和伏特加 [03:43.36]...are sublime7 and plentiful8 简直就是人间美味 [03:50.76]So.... 所以 [03:57.36]Savor it 仔细品尝 [04:00.32]-Mmm. -And dont eat it all at
  •   [03:39.48]...but the caviar and the vodka... 不过鱼子酱和伏特加
      [03:43.36]...are sublime7 and plentiful8 简直就是人间美味
      [03:50.76]So.... 所以
      [03:57.36]Savor it 仔细品尝
      [04:00.32]-Mmm. -And don’t eat it all at once 不要一次食完
      [04:03.20]Because that way, there’s nothing left to enjoy 这样一来就没有享受可言
      [04:07.28]And now take a little swallow of vodka while it’s still in your mouth 含着鱼子酱,喝一口伏特加
      [04:27.56]You haven’t been with many women, have you? 你没跟很多女人上过床?
      [04:31.72]Not on Sundays 星期天没有
      [04:37.04]No, ma’am 没有
      [04:45.28]When I was 1 9... 我19岁那年想成为
      [04:47.12]...I attempted to become the first woman ever to swim the English Channel 第一个游过英吉利海峡的女人
      [04:55.04]Really? 真的吗?
      [04:56.88]But the current that day was so strong that... 不过那天的海流太强
      [05:00.88]...for every stroke I took, I was pushed back two 我每划一下,就被冲退两下
      [00:03.44]I was in the water for 32 hours 我在水里游了32小时
      [00:05.44]And when I was two miles from Calais... 当我离法国加莱只有两英里
      [00:10.60]...it started to rain 天空就开始下雨
      [00:15.28]MAN; That’s it! Steady on! 快到了!继续游!
      [00:17.68]And when I couldn’t go any further... 当我再也无法前进
      [00:19.64]...I stopped 我就停下来
      [00:22.76]I just stopped 我就停下来
      [00:24.92]And everybody asked me... 大家都问我
      [00:29.48]...would I try again? 为什么不再试一次?
      [00:30.00]For why wouldn’t I? 大家都这么说
      [00:36.96]But I never did 不过我再也没试过
      [00:40.12]As a matter of fact, I’ve never done anything with my life after that 老实说 之后我再也没做过什么

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