


时间:2016-08-15 12:19来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:40.00]She taught me to play the piano 她教我弹钢琴 [00:47.08]Its not about how well you play 重点不是你弹得好不好 [00:51.68]Its how you feel about what youre playing 而是你在弹的时候的心情 [00:53.92]Try this 弹
  •   [00:40.00]She taught me to play the piano 她教我弹钢琴
      [00:47.08]It’s not about how well you play 重点不是你弹得好不好
      [00:51.68]It’s how you feel about what you’re playing 而是你在弹的时候的心情
      [00:53.92]Try this 弹弹看
      [01:11.32]You can’t help putting yourself in the music 你很自然就融入音乐之中
      [01:23.28]There were many changes. Some you could see, some you couldn’t 我发生了很多变化 有些看得出来,有些看不出来
      [01:27.52]Hair had started growing in all sorts of places... 我身上到处都开始长毛
      [01:32.00]...along with other things 别的地方也开始变大
      [01:34.00]I felt pretty good, considering 老实说,我觉得很棒
      [01:39.96]Darling, the pain 乖女,我好痛
      [01:40.84]All right, Mom. I’ll get the nurse 好,我去叫护士
      [01:46.64](ON TV) Look at this eye. This is a major hurricane2 看看这个咙风眼 这是威力强大的咙风
      [01:50.88]A slow hurricane, with maximum sustained3 winds of.... 移动得很慢,但是风速很强
      [01:52.28]NURSE; Not doing too good? 很痛,是吗?
      [01:56.80]Nobody seems to know whether to stay or leave 没人知道该走或该留?
      [01:58.44]I’m gonna ride it out 我要撑过去
      [02:01.92]There. That should make things much easier 来,这应该会让你舒服些
      [02:08.88]Have you had a chance to say your goodbyes? 你有机会向她说再见吗?
      [02:09.80]My father waited four hours for my brother to get here from Boger City 我爸等我哥赶来等了四小时

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