


时间:2016-08-15 12:18来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:16.24]We are not friends anymore 她不把我当朋友了 [04:21.12]Well... 那就 [04:23.28]...goodbye 再见了 [04:42.84]Spent a lot of time by myself that year 那年我常常一个人独处 [04:47.24]WOMAN; Hello? 有人吗? [
  •   [04:16.24]We are not friends anymore 她不把我当朋友了
      [04:21.12]Well... 那就
      [04:23.28]...goodbye 再见了
      [04:42.84]Spent a lot of time by myself that year 那年我常常一个人独处
      [04:47.24]WOMAN; Hello? 有人吗?
      [04:51.04]BENJAMIN; Hi. -I’m moving in today - 你好 - 我今天要搬进来
      [04:52.40]Welcome. We’ve been expecting you 欢迎,我们在等你
      [04:53.52]Can you please show her up to Mrs. Rousseau’s old room? 带她到以前罗素太太的房间
      [04:58.40]I’m sorry, but we usually don’t allow dogs in the house 抱歉,这里通常不准养狗
      [05:00.56]Well, she’s old as the hills. She’s almost blind 她是只老狗,而且几乎失明
      [00:04.24]She won’t be a bother much longer 不会麻烦大家太久
      [00:06.44]Well, all right, long as she stays from up underfoot 好吧,只要她不惹麻烦
      [00:10.72]BENJAMIN; Right this way, ma’am 这里请,女士
      [00:13.48]As hard as I try, I can’t remember her name 我怎么想都想不出她的名字
      [00:17.96]Mrs. Lawson or Mrs. Hartford 劳逊太太或是哈特福太太
      [00:21.16]Maybe it was Maple1 也许是梅波太太吧
      [00:21.56]It’s funny how sometimes the people we remember the least... 有时候我们最不记得的人
      [00:24.32]...make the greatest impression on us 我们对他们的印象最深
      [00:26.52]I do remember she wore diamonds 我记得她戴钻戒
      [00:30.28]And she always dressed in fine clothing, as if she was going out 总是盛装打扮,好像要出门
      [00:33.48]Although she never did and nobody ever came to visit her 虽然她没出过门,没人来看过他

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