


时间:2016-08-15 12:19来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:15.48]Couldnt go without him 没见到他就不肯走 [02:16.76]She seems like a sweet woman 她看起来人很好 [02:18.92]Yeah. I havent had as much time with her as I wouldve-- 是的 我一直没时间多陪陪她 [02:21.80]-You bu
  •   [02:15.48]Couldn’t go without him 没见到他就不肯走
      [02:16.76]She seems like a sweet woman 她看起来人很好
      [02:18.92]Yeah. I haven’t had as much time with her as I would’ve-- 是的 我一直没时间多陪陪她
      [02:21.80]-You busy? I could use your help. NURSE; Excuse me - 我需要你帮忙 - 失陪
      [02:24.72]Sure 没问题
      [02:44.88]"Queenie would let me go with Mr. Daws..." 昆妮让我跟陶先生去贫穷角
      [02:47.64]BENJAMIN; ...to Poverty4 Point to watch the boats go up and down the river 看船只在河面上航行
      [02:48.72]These were hard times 那时候经济大萧条
      [02:53.20]Did I ever tell you I was struck by lightning seven times? 我说过我被闪电打中七次吗?
      [03:00.28]Once when I was in the field just tending to my cows 有一次我在农场照顾乳牛
      [03:09.64]My fourth hand didn’t show up 有一个水手没来
      [03:12.80]Anybody wanna make $2 for a day’s work around here? 有谁想要一天赚两块钱?
      [03:19.00]What’s the matter? Nobody wants to do an honest day’s work... 怎么? 没有人想要
      [03:21.56]-...for an honest day’s pay? -He never pays - 努力工作赚钱吗? - 他从来不付薪水
      [03:25.72]Nobody wants a job? 没人想要工作?
      [03:29.08]You got your sea legs about you, old man? 你不会晕船吧,老头
      [03:29.40]I do 我想
      [03:33.20]I think 不会,我猜吧
      [03:39.56]Well, that’s good enough for me 那就行了
      [03:43.72]Get your ass5 on board. We’ll sure as hell6 find out 你上了船我们就会知道
      [03:47.28]<font size=18 color=#4096d1>(切尔西号 新奥尔良市,路易斯安那州)

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