


时间:2016-08-15 12:19来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:52.36]I was as happy as I could be 我开心得不得了 [03:53.04]I would do anything 我什么都肯做 [03:53.44]I need a volunteer! 有谁自愿? [03:55.64]Yes, captain! 我,船长! [03:58.92]Scrape off all this bird shit! 把鸟
  •   [03:52.36]I was as happy as I could be 我开心得不得了
      [03:53.04]I would do anything 我什么都肯做
      [03:53.44]I need a volunteer! 有谁自愿?
      [03:55.64]Yes, captain! 我,船长!
      [03:58.92]Scrape off all this bird shit! 把鸟屎给我刷掉
      [04:01.80]Right away, sir 马上来
      [04:03.48]And I was actually gonna be paid for something I would’ve done for free 有人付我钱做我愿意免费做的事
      [04:09.48]His name was Captain Mike Clark 他叫米高克拉克船长
      [04:12.44]He’d been on a tugboat since he was 7 七岁就住在船上
      [04:16.92]MIKE; Get moving on that 快去做事吧
      [04:19.92]Come here 过来
      [04:21.92]Can you, uh, still get it up? 你还能不能,举得起来?
      [04:27.96]I do every morning 每天早上都举起来
      [04:30.04]The old pole, huh? The high, hard one? 你每天早上都会升旗,是吧?
      [04:33.64]I guess 我猜是吧
      [04:37.28]When was the last time you had a woman? 你上次是几时有过女人?
      [04:42.56]-Never. -Never? - 从来没有 - 从来没有?
      [04:44.08]Not that I know of, sir 至少我不知道
      [04:47.72]MIKE; Wait a minute, now 等一下
      [04:49.52]You mean to say you’ve been on this earth however many years... 你是说你活了不晓得多少年
      [04:54.08]...and you’ve never had a woman? 从来没有跟女人上过床?

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