


时间:2016-09-07 12:22来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:26.08]Bye 再见 [00:28.36]Im just locking up 我只是要锁门 [00:38.00]Shes beautiful 她好美哦 [00:40.80]Like her mother. Does she dance? 像她妈妈一样,她会跳舞吗? [00:43.08]-Not very well. -I guess thatd be from m
  •   [00:26.08]Bye 再见
      [00:28.36]I’m just locking up 我只是要锁门
      [00:38.00]She’s beautiful 她好美哦
      [00:40.80]Like her mother. Does she dance? 像她妈妈一样,她会跳舞吗?
      [00:43.08]-Not very well. -I guess that’d be from my side of things - 跳得不好 - 我猜一定是遗传到我
      [00:46.64]She’s a dear, sweet girl 她是个贴心可爱的女儿
      [00:50.96]She seems a little lost 她看起来有点困惑
      [00:51.92]But then, who isn’t at 1 2? 不过12岁小孩都是这样
      [00:54.52]A lot of her reminds me of you 她有很多地方让我 想到你
      [01:00.08]My husband, he’s a widower1. Or was a widower 我先生是个鳏夫,曾经是
      [01:02.16]He’s an incredibly kind, just bright, adventurous2 man 他的心地很善良 而且很聪明,热爱冒险
      [01:09.32]He’s been a terrific3 father 他一直是个好爸爸
      [01:13.92]Good 那就好
      [01:17.96]You are so much younger 你年轻了好多
      [01:19.64]Only on the outside 只是外表而已
      [01:23.84]You were right 你说的对
      [01:28.72]I couldn’t have been raising both of you 我不可能同时照顾你们两个
      [01:29.68]I’m not that strong 我没有那么坚强
      [01:35.96]So where are you staying? 你要住在哪里?
      [01:40.04]What are you gonna do? 你打算做什么?
      [01:41.84]I’m staying at the Pontchartrain Hotel on the Avenue4 我待在庞恰特雷恩饭店

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