


时间:2018-03-08 11:59来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:29.08]SARA: Anna. listen-- - lm important too. Mom. lm important too. - Anna,听着 - 我也很重要,妈,我也很重要 [03:33.48]- Hey. now-- - Let me go. - 嘿,现在 - 让我走 [03:38.16]BRIAN: Mom needs to cool off a bit.
  • [03:29.08]SARA: Anna. listen-- - l'm important too. Mom. l'm important too. - Anna,听着 - 我也很重要,妈,我也很重要
    [03:33.48]- Hey. now-- - Let me go. - 嘿,现在 - 让我走
    [03:38.16]BRIAN: Mom needs to cool off a bit. She's a little upset. 妈妈要冷静一会,她有点心烦
    [03:42.56]ANNA: Yeah. l heard her. 嘿,我听见啦
    [03:45.12]'Get her out of here. l don't want to look at her face anymore.' 带她走,我再也不想看见她
    [03:51.68]BRIAN: l looked at my daughter and wondered how it got from there to here. 我看着我女儿,想知道一切怎么会变成这样
    [04:01.20]MAN: Hey. - Hi. - 嘿! - 嗨!
    [04:16.52]...-The truth. the truth. - Okay. - 要说实话,说实话 - 好的
    [04:22.40]All right. so. what do you think? 好的,你觉得怎么样?
    [04:24.96]A bit more salt. 再加点盐
    [04:27.84]A bit more. 一点点
    [04:41.40]BRIAN: From the moment we decided9 to genetically10 conceive... 自从我们决定基因怀孕之后
    [04:42.84]...l suppose this was the eventual11 outcome. 我想这就是最终结果
    [04:46.12]lt was our fault. We went against nature and this was our comeuppance. 是我们的错,我们与自然法则对抗,这就是业报
    [04:53.80]But have we really pushed her too hard? 但我们是不是要求她做太多了?
    [04:56.76]Have we forced her into helping12 her sister? 我们强迫她帮助她姐姐了吗?
    [04:59.08]All those little encouragements and rewards, were they real? 这些小小的鼓励和报答,是真的吗?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      英文电视剧台词      经典英文电影      姐姐的守护者      

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