


时间:2018-03-05 12:38来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:31.32]But Kates situation is time-sensitive. and sometimes thats all weve got. 但是Kate的事容不得拖延,这是我们所能做的一切 [04:37.00]ld like to suggest something completely off the record. 我想建议一些记录上完
  • [04:31.32]But Kate's situation is time-sensitive. and sometimes that's all we've got. 但是Kate的事容不得拖延,这是我们所能做的一切
    [04:37.00]l'd like to suggest something completely off the record. 我想建议一些记录上完全没有提及的事
    [04:41.20]Many times one sibling11 isn't a match. but another is. 很多时候一个兄弟姐妹不匹配,但另一个会
    [04:45.64]Have you considered having another child? 你愿意考虑再要一个孩子吗?
    [04:49.04]...but umbilical blood can be an incredibly effective tool in treating leukemic patients. 单单是脐血对治疗白血病有奇效
    [04:49.36]Not to be forward... 不提以后
    [04:56.56]lt's like a miracle. 这就像个无价之宝
    [04:57.88]Well. how would you know that the new child would be a match? 好吧,你怎么会知道新孩子会匹配?
    [04:60.76]- We could make sure of it. - ln a test tube? - 我们可以确定这个 - 在试管里?
    [00:02.72]Yes. With preimplantation genetic1 diagnosis2. 是的,用早期胚胎基因诊断技术
    [00:05.56]it would be a 1 OO percent match. 她会百分之百匹配
    [00:08.52]A donor3 child? 一个供体婴儿?
    [00:10.60]lt's not for everybody. 不是对所有人(都是供体)
    [00:12.36]And legally. l can't even officially recommend it. 从法律上来说,我甚至不能向你们提这个建议
    [00:14.16]But like l said. cord blood would be invaluable4. 但是正如我所说,脐血是非常宝贵的
    [00:19.16]Well. we gotta do it. 好的,我们会做的
    [00:21.20]We gotta try. 我们要试一试
    [00:24.08]JESSE: That was it. 就这样
    [00:27.88]Grown in a dish. they would have an in vitro child. 通过培养皿的培养,他们有了一个试管婴儿

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