


时间:2018-03-05 12:35来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:16.76]...and Judge helps me steer 5 clear of magnets. Judge帮助我避开磁铁 [02:18.72]Please. sit down. 请坐 [02:23.40]- What is your name? - Anna Fitzgerald. - 你叫什么名字? - Anna Fitzgerald [02:28.20]What can l do for y
  • [02:16.76]...and Judge helps me steer5 clear of magnets. Judge帮助我避开磁铁
    [02:18.72]Please. sit down. 请坐
    [02:23.40]- What is your name? - Anna Fitzgerald. - 你叫什么名字? - Anna Fitzgerald
    [02:28.20]What can l do for you. Anna? 我能为你做什么,Anna?
    [02:28.68]That is so cool. 太酷了
    [02:33.12]l want to sue my parents for the rights to my own body. 我因自己的身体使用权而起诉父母
    [02:37.72]Would you repeat that. please? 请重复一遍
    [02:38.40]l want to sue my parents for the rights to my own body. 我因自己的身体使用权而起诉父母
    [02:42.80]My sister has leukemia. They're trying to force me to give her my body parts. 我姐姐得了白血病 他们试图迫使我捐献身体器官
    [02:45.88]You're supposed to give her a kidney? 你指的是给她一个肾?
    [02:47.48]She's been in renal failure for months now. 她肾衰竭好几个月了
    [02:51.92]No one can force you to donate if you don't want to. can they? 你不愿意的话没人可以迫使你捐赠,不是吗?
    [02:54.52]- l'm under 18. they're my legal guardians6. - They can't do that. - 我不满18岁,他们是我的法定监护人 - 他们不能这么做
    [02:55.32]They think they can. 他们认为他们可以
    [02:60.88]That's what l want you to tell them... 这就是我试图告诉他们的
    [03:02.56]l wouldn't even be alive if Kate wasn't sick. 如果Kate不生病的话我不会出生
    [03:02.60]...they've been doing it to me my whole life. 他们就是这么对待我的整个人生的
    [03:07.24]l'm a designer baby. 我是试管婴儿
    [03:08.16]l was made in a dish to be spare parts for Kate. 我在皿中被做出来就是为了与Kate分享身体
    [03:11.72]You're kidding. right? 你在开玩笑,是不是?

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