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时间:2016-10-14 12:24来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:06.74]This is very odd. There s a buoy5 registering 真奇怪 有一个浮标显示 [04:12.34]a 1 3-degree drop in ocean temperature. 海洋温度下降了十三度 [04:12.94]Oh, yeah, thats right. That buoy malfunctioned6 the other day
  •   [04:06.74]This is very odd. There’ s a buoy5 registering 真奇怪  有一个浮标显示
      [04:12.34]a 1 3-degree drop in ocean temperature. 海洋温度下降了十三度
      [04:12.94]Oh, yeah, that’s right. That buoy malfunctioned6 the other day. 喔  对  是这样 那浮标那天就出故障了
      [04:18.18]I’ll see if there are ships near Georges Bank to get it. 我会查一下附近有没有船 去乔治岸把它运回来
      [04:21.46]This buoy isn’t in Georges Bank. It’s just off Greenland. 这个浮标不在乔治岸 就在格陵兰边上
      [04:22.66]What? 什么?
      [04:27.22]-What are the odds7 of two buoys8 failing? -Remote. 两个浮标出错的几率有多大? 非常小
      [04:38.78]Make that three. 现在是三个了
      [04:49.70]Just another typical day in New York City. Traffic jam, 1 0 blocks long. 纽约市又是平常的一天 交通堵塞  十条街那么长
      [04:55.66]Look here, Buddha9. These people, and their cars, and their exhaust... 看这里  狗狗  这些人 他们的车  他们的排气管...
      [00:02.22]Excuse me, sir. We’re really late. 对不起  先生  我们已经晚了
      [00:02.42]...and they’re polluting the atmosphere. ...他们正在污染大气
      [00:05.82]We’re almost there. 我们快到了
      [00:08.90]-We’re only two blocks away. -Let’s walk. 我们只差两条街就到了 我们用走的吧
      [00:39.10]What’s gotten into them? 他们犯什么毛病了?
      [00:43.42]I have no idea. They’re all worked up today. 不知道 他们今天都兴奋的不得了
      [00:48.26]In 1 532, Spanish conquistador Francisco Pizarro... 在一五三二年  西班牙征服者 弗郎西斯科·彼萨罗...
      [00:51.62]...defeated this lncan emperor at the Peruvian highland1 town of Cajamarca. ...在秘鲁高地卡加玛卡城 击败了印加国王
      [01:00.38]What is his name? Time. 他叫什么名字?记时开始
      [01:03.58]Montezuma. 芒特祖玛
      [01:04.26]No, no, Montezuma was in Mexico, not Peru. 不  不  芒特祖玛在墨西哥 不是秘鲁
      [01:06.86]It’s, like, Anta-something. 这  好象  安塔什么的...
      [01:11.38]-Atahualpa? -That’s it! 安塔华帕? 就是它!
      [01:13.62]Time’s up. Correct answers, please. 时间到  请出示答案
      [01:18.38]That’s five points for Woodmont and five points for Pinehurst Academy. 乌德芒队得五分 帕合斯特学院也得五分

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