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时间:2016-10-22 18:53来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:01.70]I got it. 我自己就能搬动 [00:03.94]Youre supposed to be on a bus heading south. 你应该在向南方开的客车上 [00:06.14]Ive been watching your back for 20 years. You think Id let you go alone? 我已经照看你二十年
  •   [00:01.70]I got it. 我自己就能搬动
      [00:03.94]You’re supposed to be on a bus heading south. 你应该在向南方开的客车上
      [00:06.14]I’ve been watching your back for 20 years. You think I’d let you go alone? 我已经照看你二十年了 你以为我会让你一个人去吗?
      [00:09.82]And all these years I thought I was watching your back. 这么多年我还以为 一直是我在照看你
      [00:14.42]Where are the keys? 钥匙在哪里?
      [00:16.18]In the truck. 在卡车里
      [00:19.50]Where do you think you’re going? 你又想去哪?
      [00:20.78]Neither one of you can navigate1 worth a damn. 你们中任何一个都不懂得导航
      [00:25.22]Without me, you’ll end up in Cleveland. 没有我  你们会跑到克里夫兰的
      [00:27.02]I’ll try to give you updates on the storm as it heads your way. 一路上我会尽力给你提供风暴的最新信息
      [00:33.10]Good luck, Jack2. 祝你好运  杰克
      [00:47.82]Breaking news from the U.S.-Mexico border. 来自美墨边界的惊人消息
      [00:50.30]Just half an hour ago, Mexican officials closed the border... 就在半小时之前 墨西哥当局关闭了边界...
      [00:55.46]...in the light of so many U.S. refugees who are fleeing south... ...因为太多美国难民逃往南方...
      [00:58.82]...in the wake of the approaching storm. ...而这都是因为逼近的风暴
      [00:59.42]These people came in anticipation3 of crossing into Mexico. 这些人来到这里  希望能进入墨西哥
      [01:03.10]Instead, they’ve been met with closed gates. 然而  他们被拒之门外
      [01:06.58]And now, in a dramatic reversal of illegal immigration... 现在  在一个戏剧性的 反向非法移民浪潮中...

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      后天      

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