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时间:2016-10-22 18:51来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:43.86]I was walking my dog. 我在溜狗 [01:55.78]Where they all going? 他们去哪? [01:56.58]Theyre getting out of the city before its too late. 他们要离开城市 要不然就太晚了 [02:02.74]All right, everybody. Quiet down.
  •   [01:43.86]I was walking my dog. 我在溜狗
      [01:55.78]Where they all going? 他们去哪?
      [01:56.58]They’re getting out of the city before it’s too late. 他们要离开城市 要不然就太晚了
      [02:02.74]All right, everybody. Quiet down. 好吧  所有人  安静
      [02:06.30]When was the last time anyone got a signal on a cell phone? 最后一个人收到手机信号是在什么时候?
      [02:09.82]I got through to my cousin in Memphis an hour ago. 我在一个小时前 刚接通我在孟菲斯的表亲
      [02:11.90]They’re being evacuated3 to the South. 他们已经开始向南方疏散了
      [02:14.06]We should get moving too. 我们也应该走
      [02:17.86]The water is frozen4 over enough to walk on. 水已经被冻得足够结实 可以走了
      [02:20.06]We should get going before the snow gets too deep. 我们应该在雪太深之前赶紧离开
      [02:21.70]Everyone, wrap yourselves up as fast as you can. 所有人  以最快速度裹好自己
      [02:27.90]We shouldn’t go. 我们不应该走
      [02:28.30]Why not, Sam? Everyone’s leaving. 为什么不  萨姆? 大家都在离开
      [02:30.46]When I talked to my dad, he told me to stay inside. 当我和我爸爸通电话的时候 他告诉我要待在屋子里面
      [02:32.94]The storm will kill anybody in it. 他说风暴会杀死所有在风暴里的人
      [02:34.54]-Then you have to say something. -I know. 那你该让大家知道 我知道
      [02:41.02]Excuse me, sir, you’re making a mistake. 对不起  先生  你正在犯一个错误
      [02:45.82]What? Listen, we’re all scared, but we’ve got no choice. 什么?听着  我们都很害怕 但是我们别无选择
      [02:49.26]-That’s not it. -Get ready to go. 我不是说这个 准备好离开吧
      [02:50.34]If these people go outside, they will freeze to death! 如果这些人走出去 他们会被冻死!
      [02:52.66]Okay, what is this nonsense5? 好  这些都是什么无稽之谈?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      后天      

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