


时间:2017-05-08 12:43来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:30.72]Okay. Do you have any ideas? 好吧 看看你有没有什么好办法? [02:33.92]I have a thought. 是有个办法 [02:36.88]I am dumping 2 a lot of coin on this wedding, 在这场婚礼上我可花了不少钱 [02:37.72]and I was
  • [02:30.72]Okay. Do you have any ideas? 好吧 看看你有没有什么好办法?
    [02:33.92]I have a thought. 是有个办法
    [02:36.88]I am dumping2 a lot of coin on this wedding, 在这场婚礼上我可花了不少钱
    [02:37.72]and I was told that they'll be throwing rice at my little angel3. 结果他们只向我宝贝撒米 而不是彩纸
    [02:42.20]Yeah. I know. 好的 我知道了
    [02:47.44]- Hi.  - Hi. How can I help? - 你好  - 请问有什么需要?
    [02:49.40]- Okay. How many are in your party?  - Just me, my two kids and the baby. - 好的 你们一共几个人  - 我 我的两个孩子还有一个婴儿
    [02:49.72]We'd like a couple of rooms for the evening. 我们要两间房 住一个晚上
    [02:55.16]- Oh! Somebody's getting hungry.  - I just gave you a bottle. Yes, I did. - 噢! 看来有人饿了  - 我刚才给他喂过奶呢
    [03:02.24]- I know. You did.  - Didn't I just give him a bottle? - 是的 你喂了  - 不是刚给他喂过奶吗?
    [03:02.44]That is a hungry baby. 这孩子真是好饿
    [03:05.56]Yes. He's kind of a pig. 是啊 他就像只贪吃的猪
    [03:12.56]Michelle Porter4. Hey, James, baby. Michelle Porter 嗨 亲爱的James
    [03:16.44]Trey is where? 你说Trey在哪儿?
    [03:19.84]Congratulations on your dream home. I'll fax you the paperwork. 恭喜你们买到了理想的房子 我会把合同传真过来的
    [03:24.12]- It's for you.  - Could you take a message? - 找你  - 你不能帮我转达一下吗?
    [03:24.32]Put him on the phone! 让他接电话!
    [03:32.60]- Hello?  - You are in big trouble, mister5. - 妈妈  - 你麻烦大了 小子?
    [03:34.96]I hope you know how to build a time machine, 你最好祈祷你会制造时光机
    [03:35.96]because you are not coming out of the house until the year 3000. 回来你就等着被禁足到3000年吧
    [03:38.72]I'll draw up some plans with Albert, but I can't promise anything. 我会跟Albert一起想想办法 不过不能保证一定成功

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      贫民窟的百万富翁      

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