


时间:2017-05-08 12:42来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:57.32]I just need a little momentum 1 . 只要再加把劲就得了 [00:59.88]One! Two! 一! 二! [01:08.44]Something popped. 扭到了 [01:11.04]Something popped. 扭到了 [01:12.12]I thought that was Moms. 那应该是妈妈才会穿的
  • [00:57.32]I just need a little momentum1. 只要再加把劲就得了
    [00:59.88]One! Two! 一! 二!
    [01:08.44]Something popped. 扭到了
    [01:11.04]Something popped. 扭到了
    [01:12.12]I thought that was Mom's. 那应该是妈妈才会穿的吧
    [01:12.60]Dad, do you need that man-girdle thing you wear? 老爸 你要不要穿个束腰带?
    [01:18.76]- Now, what's his problem?  - I think he hears something. - 它又怎么了?  - 他好像听到什么呢
    [01:21.88]What is it, Albert? Do you hear something? Albert 什么 你听到什么?
    [01:25.44]Is it trouble? 是不是有麻烦了?
    [01:28.24]Is it a fire? 着火了?
    [01:28.40]Is Jimmy stuck in the well? 那是Jimmy被困在井里了?
    [01:30.20]Jimmy! Jimmy!
    [01:35.56]He's been watching a lot of Lassie reruns. 他是看多灵犬莱西了吧
    [01:38.08]Albert says there's a road up ahead. Albert说前面有条路可以出去
    [01:39.76]I think I see a road over there. 我也看到了
    [01:43.60]Aha! Albert was right. 哈! Albert说得没错
    [02:06.68]See, Mel? Told you everything was gonna work out. Mel 看到了吧? 我早就跟你说过没事的
    [02:09.96]This place looks nice. 这地方真漂亮
    [02:11.28]Oh, no pets allowed. 噢 宠物不得入内
    [02:14.32]Looks like Albert has a problem. 看来Albert有麻烦了

    [02:15.76]But, Dad, Albert's a member of this family. 爸爸 Albert也是我们家的一份子
    [02:16.92]Not by blood. 血缘上来说不是的
    [02:18.60]Now, this is the only hotel for 30 miles. We don't have a car, and I'm tired. 这是三十英里以内唯一的旅馆 我们没有车 而且我累了

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      贫民窟的百万富翁      

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