


时间:2017-05-08 12:38来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:00.40]Excuse me. Hypothetically speaking, 对不起 假设一下 [02:00.64]if your dad was an overprotective control freak 如果你爸爸是个保护控制狂 [02:05.00]and lived 40 miles away from Northwestern, 并且住在离西北大学
  • [02:00.40]Excuse me. Hypothetically speaking, 对不起 假设一下
    [02:00.64]if your dad was an overprotective control freak 如果你爸爸是个保护控制狂
    [02:05.00]and lived 40 miles away from Northwestern, 并且住在离西北大学只有40英里的地方
    [02:07.80]then would you go to Georgetown? 那你会不会去乔治敦大学?
    [02:08.16]Yeah. 当然
    [02:09.48]- Who said that? Who said it?  - I knew this was a bad idea. - 谁说的? 谁说的?  - 我就知道这是个坏主意
    [02:21.88]I'm so sorry. 我很抱歉
    [02:22.80]- Are you okay?  - I am now. - 你没事吧?  - 没事
    [02:28.16]Hi, I'm Nick. I don't think I've seen you around before. 嗨 我是Nick 我以前没见过你
    [02:32.32]No, I was just checking out the campus. 没有 我只是来看看学校
    [02:38.32]- How about a personal tour?  - Personal tour of what? - 我给你当私人向导怎样?  - 什么的私人向导?
    [02:42.40]Dad, this is Nick. Nick, this is my dad. 爸爸 这是Nick Nick 这是我爸爸
    [02:45.64]I was just about to show Melanie around campus. 我正想带Melanie参观校园
    [02:48.44]I don't have a problem with that. 我并不介意
    [02:48.60]- What?  - I trust you. - 什么?  - 我相信你
    [02:50.12]Besides, something about this school feels safe. 此外 我觉得这所学校很安全
    [02:53.52]Meet me back at the student union when you're done. You kids have fun. 逛完了在学生中心那儿见我 孩子们玩得开心点
    [02:57.00]Can we see the rest of this beautiful school? 我们去美丽校园的其他地方看看好吗?
    [02:59.44]- Okeydokey.  - Okeydokey! - 好的  - 好的!

    [03:03.32]You go, girl! 去吧 加油!
    [03:05.32]James, I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship. James 我想这是我们美丽友情的开始
    [03:09.28]Wow. I wish my dad was that cool. 哇 我希望我爸爸也那么酷
    [03:13.96]Huh? 嗯?
    [03:15.56]- Shall we go?  - Lead the way. - 咱们走吧?  - 带路吧
    [03:18.56]Wow. 哇
    [03:20.04]- Wow. No, I'm serious.  - Yeah. - 哇 不 我是认真的  - 是吗
    [03:22.84]I can't believe that was just the science library. 我无法相信那只是科技图书馆

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      贫民窟的百万富翁      

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