


时间:2017-05-08 12:41来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:58.12]that were supposed to be going the other way. 我们应该走另外一条路 [04:02.88]Are you gonna believe a piece of paper or a $40-million satellite? 你相信一张纸还是一颗4千万美元的卫星? [04:05.68]Bet Grandmas
  • [03:58.12]that we're supposed to be going the other way. 我们应该走另外一条路
    [04:02.88]Are you gonna believe a piece of paper or a $40-million satellite? 你相信一张纸还是一颗4千万美元的卫星?
    [04:05.68]Bet Grandma's right around the corner. 我打赌奶奶就住附近
    [04:17.00]Love what Grandma's done with the place. 爱死了奶奶 她能把这地方搞成这样
    [04:20.56]Thank you! 谢谢!
    [04:22.68]This is nothing. Don't worry. 没什么的 别担心
    [04:24.68]I'll have this fixed4, and we'll be back on the tiny dirt path in no time. 我会把这弄好 我们马上就可以回到泥泞的小路上
    [04:34.12]- Trey, what are you doing?  - Going to DC. - Trey 你在做什么?  - 去华盛顿
    [04:37.60]You told me to take the note to the Secretary myself. 是你让我亲自把消息转告给部长的
    [04:39.84]Have you been hiding in here the whole time? 你一直都藏在这里吗?
    [04:41.44]You could have suffocated5. 你会被憋死的
    [04:43.92]I built an air ventilation system. I could have survived for weeks. 我做了个通风系统 我可以在这里待好几个星期
    [04:46.40]I meant, "we" could have survived. 我是说 "我们"可以待在这里
    [04:50.12]You'll be lucky to survive into next week, 你能活到下周就很幸运了
    [04:51.60]once your mother and I get through with you. 等你妈和我处理完你的事
    [04:55.56]No service. 不在服务区
    [04:57.28]You just bought yourself a stay of execution, boy. 你侥幸逃过了这次惩罚
    [00:13.44]- Come on, Albert.  - Dad, what are we gonna do with him? - Albert 过来  - 爸爸 你打算怎么处置他
    [00:16.44]I have the most important interview of my life, 我去参加的是一个关乎前途命运的重要面试
    [00:20.52]and I don't want Einstein and Porky along for the ride. 我可不想带着Einstein和这只猪一起去
    [00:21.08]What do you want me to do, Mel? We're in the middle of nowhere. Mel 你觉得呢? 前不见村 后不着店的
    [00:24.08]We could leave him in the woods and a nice family of wolves will adopt him. 我们可以把他留在树林里 说不定好心的狼群会收养他
    [00:29.88]- Dad, Dad!  - Oh! - 爸爸! 爸爸!  - 哦!
    [00:38.04]Thank you. 谢谢
    [00:49.44]Dad, what are you doing? 老爸 你在干嘛?
    [00:53.92]I'm just gonna rock this thing over, and we'll be on our way. 我要把车翻过来 然后我们再继续上路

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      贫民窟的百万富翁      

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