


时间:2017-05-08 12:40来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:08.76]I know! 我知道! [02:23.28]Are you serious? 你有没有搞错? [02:25.28]Construction? 施工? [02:27.44]Were off-schedule as it is. 我们已经误了行程 [02:29.32]Were never gonna be able to make it to Pitt in time. 我们别
  • [02:08.76]I know! 我知道!
    [02:23.28]Are you serious? 你有没有搞错?
    [02:25.28]Construction? 施工?
    [02:27.44]We're off-schedule as it is. 我们已经误了行程
    [02:29.32]We're never gonna be able to make it to Pitt in time. 我们别指望按时赶到匹兹堡
    [02:32.64]- We're gonna have to use the siren.  - Absolutely not. - 我们该用警报汽笛  - 绝对不可以
    [02:35.68]No one touches my siren. 任何人都不可以碰我的汽笛
    [02:37.12]Dad, desperate times call for desperate measures. 爸爸 非常时期得用非常办法
    [02:41.16]Mel, getting to a slumber2 party is not an emergency, okay? Mel 去个无聊的派对不是紧急事件 知道了吗?
    [02:45.16]Now reach in my bag and hand me P-GPS. 把我包打开把P-GPS给我
    [02:47.12]What's P-GPS? 什么是P-GPS?
    [02:48.32]Police Global Positioning System. 警用全球定位系统
    [02:50.12]Why don't you just call it "Police G-P-S"? 为什么你不叫它"警用G-P-S"?
    [02:53.12]Because its name is P-GPS. 应为它的名字就是P-GPS
    [02:56.96]Okay, Dad. Here you go. 好的 爸爸 给你
    [02:57.40]There you go, P-GPS. Oh, P-GPS. 好了 P-GPS 噢 P-GPS
    [03:00.44]P-GPS, route fastest time to I-23. P-GPS 找去I-23最快的路
    [03:05.20]Calculating distance to I-23. 正在计算去I-23的距离
    [03:11.12]- Thank you, P-GPS.  - Thank you! - 谢谢 P-GPS  - 谢谢你!
    [03:14.00]- No. Thank you.  - Thank you! - 不 谢谢你  - 谢谢你!
    [03:14.88]- No. Thank you.  - Thank you! - 不 谢谢你  - 谢谢你!
    [03:33.04]- At the next intersection3, turn right.  - P-GPS. - 在下一个十字路口 右转  - P-GPS

    [03:39.04]At the next intersection, turn right. 在下一个十字路口 右转
    [03:49.48]At the next intersection, turn right. Next intersect... The next... 在下一个十字路口 右转 下一个十字路口... 下一个...
    [03:55.84]Turn right. Turn right. 右转 右转
    [03:57.00]Dad, I think P-GPS is broken, because my map says 爸爸 我觉得P-GPS坏了 因为我地图上显示

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      贫民窟的百万富翁      

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