


时间:2017-05-08 12:33来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:27.16]Look, this is daddy-daughter time, Michelle. 这是爸爸和女儿的时间 Michelle [00:29.48]I got a lot planned for us. I shouldnt have to share. 我做了很多计划 我不要别人来分享 [00:31.36]Why are you taking this t
  • [00:27.16]Look, this is daddy-daughter time, Michelle. 这是爸爸和女儿的时间 Michelle
    [00:29.48]I got a lot planned for us. I shouldn't have to share. 我做了很多计划 我不要别人来分享
    [00:31.36]Why are you taking this trip anyway, James? 你为什么进行这次旅行 James?
    [00:34.32]- I told you. To support Melanie.  - Well, good. - 我告诉过你的 去支持Melanie  - 好吧
    [00:37.68]Because if this is one of your crazy schemes to keep her at home, 如果这是把她留在家里的疯狂计划之一
    [00:41.36]that would be real bad, James. 那就太糟了 James
    [00:45.56]I got it all under control. 我掌控一切了
    [00:48.12]- Are you going to DC?  - Yeah. - 你要去华盛顿吗?  - 是的
    [00:50.60]I need you to take a message to the Secretary of Defense1. It reads, 我要你把这个讯息带给国防部长
    [00:58.88]"Dear Sir, I've created a species2 of superpigs "敬爱的部长 我创造了一种超能猪
    [01:00.36]to defend the country from our enemies." 它能保卫我们的国家"
    [01:04.32]You're gonna have to get that to him yourself, 你必须亲自交给他
    [01:08.84]and you may want to housebreak your pig first. 并且你得先让你的猪 养成良好的卫生习惯
    [01:11.20]Already done. 已经养成了
    [01:24.32]Welcome to Animal Kingdom. 欢迎来到动物王国
    [01:29.92]Gazelles are among nature's most social and emotional creatures. 瞪羚是自然界中最具社会和情感的动物
    [01:32.60]They look after each other for any signs of danger. 他们为彼此放哨
    [01:37.16]The gazelle family stays together for as long as they live. 瞪羚家族会聚在一起生活
    [01:43.60]How father loves his little gazelle daughter. 瞪羚爸爸多么爱他的小瞪羚
    [01:45.60]That's what I'm talking about. 这就对了
    [01:46.68]If only humans could embrace this wildlife lesson. 要是人类能向这种动物学习该多好
    [01:59.64]There's a double dutch bus coming down the street 有辆双截巴士正开过来
    [02:04.72]Moving pretty fast so kind of shuffle3 your feet 加快步伐 准备上车

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      贫民窟的百万富翁      

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