


时间:2017-05-08 12:27来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:25.68]That man is so rigid 2 ! 他太严格了! [02:27.68]- Rigid. - Rigid. - 严格 - 严格 [02:28.64]Im flexible. As Melanies grown,Ive grown with her. 我很通融 Melanie的成长也是我的成长 [02:33.72]He still treats me like
  • [02:25.68]That man is so rigid2! 他太严格了!
    [02:27.68]- Rigid.  - Rigid. - 严格  - 严格
    [02:28.64]I'm flexible. As Melanie's grown,I've grown with her. 我很通融 Melanie的成长也是我的成长
    [02:33.72]He still treats me like a kid! 他老是把我当小孩对待
    [02:36.80]You clearly need to take your mind off things 你别想这些事了
    [02:37.40]and come on our college tour this weekend! 周末加入我们的大学之行吧!
    [02:40.68]Saturday we're staying at my sister's sorority at the University of Pittsburgh. 周六我们去匹兹堡大学找我姐 参加女大学生联谊会
    [02:43.12]And we could even hit up Georgetown. It's not that far. 我们还可以去乔治敦大学 离那也不远
    [02:46.04]Oh, my goodness, you guys, I would love to! 哦 我的天啊 伙计们 我太想去了!
    [02:49.92]But I don't think my dad will let me. 但是我怕我爸不让我去
    [02:51.28]Hey, girls! 嘿 美女们!
    [02:51.80]- Lame3!  - Lame! - 差劲!  - 差劲!
    [02:54.00]- Hey, Hunter!  - Hey, Hunter! - 嘿 Hunter!  - 嘿 Hunter!
    [02:56.96]Hunter in the house! Hunter来喽 大家照过来!
    [02:59.08]- We don't say that anymore.  - We don't say that anymore. - 这个说法过时了  - 这个说法过时了

    [02:59.84]- I'm bringing it back!  - Okay. - 我会让它再次流行的!  - 好吧
    [03:03.36]So it might be emotional, and there might be tears, 这可能非常感性 而且可能有泪水
    [03:06.92]but that's why they call it "tough love." 所以他们称其为“严厉的爱”
    [03:08.72]- Now, once they're potty-trained...  - Uh-uh. Baby? - 所以 从小事上训练他们...  - 恩 亲爱的?
    [03:13.28]I think we've had enough parenting talk for tonight, hmm? 我们今晚为人父母的话谈的够多了 不是吗?
    [03:14.08]You're absolutely right. 你说的非常对
    [03:16.48]Why tell them, when I could show them? 为什么讲给他们听 我应该给他们看
    [03:18.52]Uh-uh. No... 恩...
    [03:21.04]Ta-da! 这里!
    [03:25.20]Welcome to the James Porter School of Raising Kids. 欢迎来到James Porter关于抚养孩子的学校

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      贫民窟的百万富翁      

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