


时间:2017-10-23 12:21来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:38.90]And Im sorry. 对不起 [01:45.38]Theres just the two of us now. 现在只是我们两人了 [01:47.70]One day, therell only be one of us. 一天,将只剩下我们其中一个 [01:54.38]Its an unbearable 4 prospect 5 . 这是令人
  • [01:38.90]And I'm sorry. 对不起
    [01:45.38]There's just the two of us now. 现在只是我们两人了
    [01:47.70]One day, there'll only be one of us. 一天,将只剩下我们其中一个
    [01:54.38]It's an unbearable4 prospect5. 这是令人无法接受的前景
    [02:00.54]That's why we have to love each other as hard as we can now, 那也是为什么我们要尽量多爱对方
    [02:04.38]while we still have the chance. 趁我们还有机会
    [02:22.06]I love you. 我爱你
    [02:49.22]Six weeks and I still can't find half my stuff6. 六星期了,我还是找不到一半我的东西
    [02:52.22]You didn't leave one of my boxes on the truck, did you? 你没有把其中一个 我的盒子留在卡车上了吧?
    [02:57.22]No, I don't think so. 没有,我想没有
    [02:58.38]Well, it must be this evil7 house hiding my clothes, 那肯定是这邪恶的房子藏起我的衣服了
    [03:00.38]trying to turn me against you. 好让我跟你争吵
    [03:01.54]Well, don't let it. 那不要让它得逞
    [03:04.22]Here it is. 找到了
    [03:07.54]That looks a little big. Let me guess. An ex-boyfriend's. 看起来大了点,让我猜猜 你前男朋友的?
    [03:14.22]Sweetheart, there was no one before you. 亲爱的,你之前没有其他人了
    [03:16.06]You were my first. 你是我的第一位
    [03:19.22]On our wedding8 night, you remember how scared I was? 在我们婚礼那晚,你还记得我多么害怕?
    [03:26.70]Hey, are we supposed to bring something to this party? 嘿,我们是否要带些东西去参加晚会?
    [03:35.06]DIANA: You are so... You're so fashion-phobic. It's great. I love it. 你是如此…你是有时装恐惧症 看起来很好,我很喜欢

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      爱情盛宴      

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