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  • 《爱不胜防》电影台词(20) 日期:2016-11-04 21:44:09 点击:197 好评:0

    [02:45.52]and whatever other D word there is 还有很多别的成语都可以形容我 [02:49.36]But its painfully apparent that Im... Im a little rusty4. 可是 不得不承认的是 我有点生锈了 [02:54.20]Why... Why wouldnt you jus...

  • 《爱不胜防》电影台词(19) 日期:2016-11-04 21:43:23 点击:144 好评:0

    [01:05.96]Hes the kite. 把他当风筝使 [01:09.96]Because hes cardboard. Right. 反正只是个纸板 [01:17.84]Thank you. Thank you. 谢谢 [01:22.84]So... 那个... [01:26.52]Quidnunc? Quidnunc?(好事者) [01:29.88]Yeah. 怎么了 [01...

  • 《爱不胜防》电影台词(18) 日期:2016-11-04 21:42:17 点击:206 好评:0

    [03:51.08]Is that my flower youre wearing? 你戴着我的花? [03:53.40]No. 不! [03:56.28]Yes. Yes, yes, yes, it is. 是的 [04:03.44]But I... I took it before, when I thought you were deaf. 可那时我还以为你是聋子 [04:06.64]H m...

  • 《爱不胜防》电影台词(17) 日期:2016-11-04 21:41:45 点击:214 好评:0

    [02:41.96]Ha! 哈! [02:43.48]Excuse me. This is the mens room. 这可是男性洗手间! [02:44.64]You know what? Excuse me. 你知道个屁! [02:47.64]What did you have in mind? 你当时脑子里装的什么? [02:50.32]Some sweet, romanti...

  • 《爱不胜防》电影台词(16) 日期:2016-11-04 21:41:02 点击:130 好评:0

    [01:11.24]Oh, thank him. 哦 谢谢他 [01:24.80]...event next week in the Junior Ballroom3. 下周舞厅的布置事宜 [01:26.64]But then Julie was wondering if we could get the side... 朱莉想知道我们能否把周围布置... [01:28...

  • 《爱不胜防》电影台词(15) 日期:2016-11-04 21:39:25 点击:206 好评:0

    [04:50.60]And youre gonna be shocked at the outcome of the relationship again. 而你会对恋情的结果很失望 再一次 [04:53.28]But most of all, 不管怎样 [04:54.96]I just hate seeing you get so disappointed and hurt every single...

  • 《爱不胜防》电影台词(14) 日期:2016-11-04 21:38:14 点击:189 好评:0

    [03:48.88]I know, I know, I know, I know. Ill get it. I promise. 我知道... 这就来处理 我保证 [03:50.72]I dont understand this. We have roses, we have all of these. 真是的 我们店里都是玫瑰 这么多 [03:54.04]I mean, co...

  • 《爱不胜防》电影台词(13) 日期:2016-11-04 21:37:41 点击:188 好评:0

    [02:06.28]Im fine. 我真的没事 [02:23.36]So, take a good look at them, mister. A little preview of tonight. 先生 您饱饱眼福吧 今晚的预告片哦 [02:28.56]I know how you love the high heels. 我知道你有多喜欢细高跟...

  • 《爱不胜防》电影台词(12) 日期:2016-11-04 21:37:10 点击:136 好评:0

    [00:33.08]and he thinks hes just gonna, you know, sail through his retirement1. 他以为他的退休会一帆风顺 [00:35.76]But then one day, three years and 13 days ago, 不料 三年零十三天前 [00:39.60]his daughter dies. 他的女儿...

  • 《爱不胜防》电影台词(11) 日期:2016-11-04 21:35:53 点击:205 好评:0

    [03:19.20]Make sure he signs for it. 务必让他签字 [03:21.40]No problem. 没问题 [03:25.40]Did you have company? 还有谁来过? [03:27.92]U m... 呃... [03:29.40]Yeah. I told you Frank and I were working last night. 我跟你说过...
