


时间:2016-11-04 21:37来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:33.08]and he thinks hes just gonna, you know, sail through his retirement1. 他以为他的退休会一帆风顺 [00:35.76]But then one day, three years and 13 days ago, 不料 三年零十三天前 [00:39.60]his daughter dies. 他的女儿
  •   [00:33.08]and he thinks he’s just gonna, you know, sail through his retirement1. 他以为他的退休会一帆风顺
      [00:35.76]But then one day, three years and 13 days ago, 不料 三年零十三天前
      [00:39.60]his daughter dies. 他的女儿去世了
      [00:43.28]And the truth is he hasn’t been doing very well. 说实话 他最近过的一直不太好
      [00:47.64]He doesn’t sleep much, and he and his wife, well... 睡不好觉 失眠 他和他的妻子...
      [00:52.84]You can understand. 你可以想象
      [00:53.48]But his daughter’s husband, 可他的女婿
      [00:57.68]any of these kinds of problems. No. 一点问题都没有
      [00:58.36]well, he doesn’t seem to be having 他像没事人似的
      [01:02.52]She was crushed to death in a car crash, but he, well... 妻子车祸死亡 而他...
      [01:07.56]He’s making lemonade out of lemons. Isn’t that how it goes? 却有心情挤柠檬汁 我说的一切属实吗?
      [01:21.92]When are you gonna stop lying, son? 你什么时候才会停止撒谎 孩子?
      [01:27.96]Hypocrite. 伪君子!
      [01:33.84]Burke, I am so sorry. 布尔克 真抱歉
      [01:38.00]God. The balls on him! 老天爷 他怎么能这样!
      [01:41.52]I’m fine. 我没事
      [01:44.52]Who does he think he is? 他以为他是谁啊
      [01:44.88]Her father. 我岳父
      [01:49.36]Even so, way over the line. 尽管如此 还是很过分
      [01:51.56]Forget that. You know what? She’d be proud of you. 别想了 你老婆会为你自豪的
      [01:57.08]All right, you’re pissed off at me. 好吧 你可以把气撒在我身上
      [01:59.44]A thousand times you said no to Seattle, but I wouldn’t listen. 你多次拒绝来西雅图 我却没听进去
      [02:04.96]You gotta be pissed off at me. 你就拿我出气吧

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      爱不胜防      

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