


时间:2016-11-04 21:37来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:06.28]Im fine. 我真的没事 [02:23.36]So, take a good look at them, mister. A little preview of tonight. 先生 您饱饱眼福吧 今晚的预告片哦 [02:28.56]I know how you love the high heels. 我知道你有多喜欢细高跟
  •   [02:06.28]I’m fine. 我真的没事
      [02:23.36]So, take a good look at them, mister. A little preview of tonight. 先生 您饱饱眼福吧 今晚的预告片哦
      [02:28.56]I know how you love the high heels. 我知道你有多喜欢细高跟
      [02:33.56]I’ll see you tonight at 8:00. Standing2 ta! 我们晚上8点见 我要站的高高的
      [02:40.40]Big kiss. 亲一个
      [02:42.76]Love you. 爱你
      [02:51.12]"So, my ass3 don’t fit no Cosmo cover 我是那样完美的封面女郎
      [02:51.80]"You think I can’t be some hot animal lover? 我可以当你的动物情人吗?
      [02:55.80]"You scared of my cerebral4 cortex? That I’m Gloria’s fish, chromosome5 X? 你害怕我的头皮 我放荡不羁 自由的穿梭
      [02:59.68]"Or maybe you’re just afraid of my battery-operated sex’ 也许 你抵抗不了我那致命的性感?
      [03:07.52]What do you think? 表演可好?
      [03:15.40]Hello. 你好
      [03:16.88]There’s something wrong with that girl. 那女孩有毛病
      [03:20.92]She said she wanted to hear it. 她说她乐意听我朗诵
      [03:22.92]Marty. Slam poetry, coffee house. 马蒂 黄色诗歌演讲 去咖啡屋
      [03:25.44]My shop, work. Please. 花店里只能工作 不许那样
      [03:26.28]Yes, ma’am. 我知道了
      [03:29.60]Are there any new receivables? 今天有生意吗
      [03:29.96]Just that birthday arrangement I told you about. 只有那笔生日订单
      [03:34.96]Right. Great. 行 不错
      [03:35.32]Marty, you did not cauterize6 the stems. 马蒂 你这些花茎还没剪!
      [03:37.16]Oh. 哦!
      [03:41.68]You know what? Here’s what happens. 你知道会怎样
      [03:44.68]The sap pollutes the water and then they die twice as fast. 根部烂了水变脏 过不了几天花就蔫了!

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      爱不胜防      

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