


时间:2016-11-04 21:38来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:48.88]I know, I know, I know, I know. Ill get it. I promise. 我知道... 这就来处理 我保证 [03:50.72]I dont understand this. We have roses, we have all of these. 真是的 我们店里都是玫瑰 这么多 [03:54.04]I mean, co
  •   [03:48.88]I know, I know, I know, I know. I’ll get it. I promise. 我知道... 这就来处理 我保证
      [03:50.72]I don’t understand this. We have roses, we have all of these. 真是的 我们店里都是玫瑰 这么多
      [03:54.04]I mean, come on. These are flowers living out of water. 你看看 这些花都快干了!
      [03:57.88]Are you all right? 你没事吧?
      [04:00.92]Look, I just had a really... I’ve had a really bad couple of days, okay? 我...我这几天的确过的很糟糕!
      [04:05.44]Would you like to talk to me about it? 跟我说说?
      [04:07.76]No, I don’t. 不 不想说
      [04:11.60]Because you weren’t this mad the last time I forgot to cauterize. 上次我忘记剪茎你可没这么歇斯底里
      [04:16.96]Tyler. 泰勒
      [04:21.64]And some groupie. 他又搞上一个歌迷
      [04:23.84]Again? 又来?!
      [04:25.16]Yeah. 是的
      [04:26.52]No. No! 天啊!
      [04:28.04]I can’t believe it. 真不敢相信
      [04:28.84]I know. It’s crazy. 我知道 很不可思议
      [04:32.04]God, you know what? No, I can believe it. I can totally believe it. 哦 不 其实 我觉得这事很有可能发生 真的
      [04:34.72]Excuse me. What does that mean? What does that mean? 你说什么?!什么意思?
      [04:37.72]It’s so clear to me. 这其实很显然
      [04:39.40]It means that you manage to choose guys 我是说 你挑的那男人
      [04:43.92]that guarantee that at some point, 几乎可以保证
      [04:44.92]we are going to be standing here 咱俩会在这儿
      [04:46.44]having this same conversation again. 旧事重提 讨论同样的事

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      爱不胜防      

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