[01:52.71]我卖了第一张画 I just sold my first painting.
[01:54.05]哇,真是太棒了 Aah! That’s fantastic.
[01:57.61]谁买了? Uh, who bought it?
[01:58.78]一位要人 It’s someone important.
[02:00.18]不愿透漏姓名 They want to remain anonymous5.
[02:01.95]- 真棒! - 对呀!这次外出都好吗? This is so wonderful! How was your trip?
[02:04.31]哦...差不多啦... You know, same old, same old.
[02:05.58]尼奇呢? Where’s Nicki?
[02:06.48]他睡了,撑不住了 Oh, in bed, I’m sorry. He couldn’t stay up.
[02:09.25]不要紧 That’s best.
[02:10.08]第一副画耶! My first painting!
[02:11.68]我正式成为艺术家啦! I’m officially an artist!
[02:13.74]- 值得干一杯 - 谁说不是? This calls for a drink. What doesn’t?
[02:17.71]好 Hi.
[02:19.28]尤里,这是...呃... Yuri, this is uh...
[02:21.35]小蜜糖 Candy.
[02:22.48]小蜜糖!当然咯! Candy. Of course.
[02:24.98]我弟弟的朋友都是... Any friend of my brother’s is a...
[02:28.01]我弟弟的朋友 friend of my brother’s.
[02:29.61]好漂亮哦!你的...一切 You have a beautiful... everything.
[02:34.61]他当然是 Yes, he does.
[02:35.84]是...我当然是 Yes, I do.
[02:37.28]我要去看看尼奇 I’m going to kiss Nicki goodnight.